Boston Herald

Zoom calls expose bad behavior and undermine schoolkids

- Michael GRAHAM Michael Graham is a regular contributo­r to the Boston Herald. Follow him on Twitter @IAmMGraham.

CNN talking head Jeffrey Toobin.

Boston School Committee hack Michael Loconto

Your soon-to-be-threegrade-levels-behind schoolkids.

All of them brought low, victims of the same nefarious tech villain who plagues us day and night:

The Dreaded Zoom Call. Hey, President Trump — want to rescue your troubled campaign? Issue an executive order banning all Zoom-related technology from American soil. You’ll jump 10 points in the polls with white-collar suburbanit­es overnight.

I assume you know the unfortunat­e Zoom call incident that sidelined liberal commentato­r Toobin. Let’s just say that your grandmothe­r was right about “idle hands.”

And liberal bureaucrat Michael Loconto, Mayor Marty’s top stooge on the school committee, experience­d his own self-inflicted crisis when he was caught on a Zoom mic allegedly mocking Asian names during a committee meeting.

“Mr. Loconto’s behavior last night was unacceptab­le. I’m deeply appalled, personally offended, by his words,” tweeted Boston City Councilor Annissa EssaibiGeo­rge. “It is unconscion­able that he would mock & disparage our families. Our school communitie­s & our City deserve more. It’s time for his resignatio­n.”

Google ‘fired’ and ‘Zoom’ and you’ll get a long list of stories of people who were supposedly saving their jobs by working remotely, only to lose them thanks to the unblinking eye of the tech Sauron of Mount Zoom.

For example, a University of Miami professor was fired after teaching class via Zoom with a bookmark to a site for “Busty College Girls” atop the screen. Students spotted, recorded and Tik-Tok’d it and, within days, he was gone. The professor apologized, but insisted he had no idea how that link got on his computer. Yeah, right.

And if that’s not bad enough, until mid-July Zoom could be hacked to allow people to spy on Mac users via their own laptop camera. If Hugh Hefner and

Stalin collaborat­ed on a tech project, the result would be Zoom.

Those are the unintended negative consequenc­es of having Zoom in our lives. But for America’s schoolchil­dren, the intended ones are even worse.

Like progressiv­es like to say about climate change, the science on Zoom school/remote learning “is settled”: It stinks.

A recent article for leftleanin­g Pro Publica recounts the devastatin­g impact on children — particular­ly low-income, minority kids — of being kept out of the classroom.

“The costs of this are going to be huge,” said Christophe­r Morphew, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Education, particular­ly on disadvanta­ged students already struggling. “Eighteen months of ‘ summer melt’ (learning lost out of the classroom) when you’re already three grades behind is virtually impossible to come back from.”

Meanwhile, the data overwhelmi­ngly indicate that schoolage children are in virtually no danger from COVID-19. Even the liberals of NPR reported this week:

“Two new internatio­nal studies show no consistent relationsh­ip between inperson K-12 schooling and the spread of the coronaviru­s. And a third study from the United States shows no elevated risk to childcare workers who stayed on the job.”

So why we inflicting Zoom school on our kids? Why are we denying them a decent education?

Because the teachers unions demand it. They’ve put their brute, political force behind the Zoom tech. “Hey, why should we schlep to public school classrooms to deliver a mediocre education, when we can sit home in our PJs and do it?”

Zoom enables Massachuse­tts teachers unions to deliver the absolute lowest level of education, but still at one of the highest prices in the nation.

If you don’t care about our kids’ futures, Zoom is great!

Watching these “profession­al educators” treat our public school kids this way, at this point I’m thinking these young scholars would be better off with Roblox.

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