Boston Herald

Barrett taught me meaning of originalis­m – it’s not what you think

- By BRENT MURPHY Brent Murphy graduated from Notre Dame Law School in 2018 and clerked for Judge Barrett on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals from 2019 to 2020.

As her former student and law clerk, I am thrilled by Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination. In the time I have known her, I have been impressed by her scholarshi­p, integrity and humanity. But I also learned important lessons from Judge Barrett about what it means to be a judicial “originalis­t” and why originalis­t judging is so valuable in our constituti­onal system.

One common view of constituti­onal interpreta­tion — especially when a nomination is the subject of national attention — suggests that judges are nothing more than politician­s in robes who use legal arguments to enact their own policy preference­s. This view is known as “legal realism.” Despite Chief Justice Roberts’s recent statement that we “do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” it can sometimes be tempting to conclude that the federal bench might indeed be occupied by judicial politicos using legal language to stealthily reach their own preferred policy outcomes.

I can confidentl­y say that

this is not how Judge Barrett approaches the law. I met Judge Barrett during my first year at Notre Dame Law School when she hired me as her research assistant. As a scholar, Judge Barrett is a well-known proponent of originalis­m. Originalis­m holds that, when interpreti­ng the Constituti­on, judges

must be guided by the meaning of the words that the people chose to put into law, as those words were originally understood at the time of the law’s passage. This requires judges to set aside their individual political views and uphold instead the will of the people as reflected in the meaning of the

words of the Constituti­on.

Because originalis­m is focused on this objective measure, it does not lead inexorably to politicall­y conservati­ve outcomes. Rather, it will lead the faithful originalis­t to wherever the meaning points — left, right or center. As then-Professor Barrett’s research assistant, I was never set to the task of finding the evidence to shore up a preordaine­d conclusion or policy preference. Instead, when there was a difficult constituti­onal question to answer, she set us to the hard work of doing research. What did these words mean when the people or their representa­tives voted for or ratified this provision? How did early courts apply this provision after it became the law? It was a rigorous process. There was no way of knowing the outcome beforehand. Her scholarshi­p depended on knowing what the law was, not what she wished it to be.

On the appeals court, Judge Barrett brought the same commitment to a clear-eyed understand­ing of the law that I saw while she was a professor. As a law clerk to Judge Barrett, I had the privilege to see firsthand exactly what it means to put originalis­m into action as a judge. When Judge Barrett decided cases, she didn’t merely set aside any policy preference­s she may have had — they never factored into her work in the first place. In any given case, Judge Barrett didn’t ask herself, “What do I think is the best outcome?” Instead, she asked, “What is the right answer? What does the law require?” And once she identified the answer, Judge Barrett would follow it, whether she might have agreed with it politicall­y or not. Judge Barrett showed me by example that originalis­m can ensure that the Constituti­on is faithfully, fairly and transparen­tly applied, regardless of the issue before the court or the preference­s of the judge deciding the case.

After having been her student, research assistant and clerk, I can confidentl­y say that Judge Barrett’s commitment to originalis­m helps her to be a fair, impartial and apolitical judge — exactly the kind of judge that America needs on the Supreme Court at this historic moment. If you want a justice who is fair and evenhanded, you want Amy Coney Barrett — not despite, but because of her originalis­m.

 ?? AP POOl ?? MAKING THE ROUNDS: Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett meets with senators Wednesday on Capitol Hill.
AP POOl MAKING THE ROUNDS: Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett meets with senators Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

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