Boston Herald

Call me crazy, media real ‘gaslighter’

With dad’s ‘victory’ secure, Hunter Biden scandal suddenly gets coverage

- Grace CURLEY

Up until this past year, I wasn’t all that familiar with the term “gaslightin­g.”

Then, suddenly, it was in the news … a lot. The Washington Post wrote that “Trump’s convention is the ultimate gaslightin­g exercise.” USA Today declared that “Donald Trump is a classic gaslighter in an abusive relationsh­ip with America.”

Merriam Webster’s definition of gaslightin­g is, “to attempt to make (someone) believe that he or she is going insane (as by subjecting that person to a series of experience­s that have no rational explanatio­n.)”

The term originated after the 1944 psychologi­cal thriller “Gaslight,” in which a woman is convinced by her husband that she is going insane. Any woman who has ever had a guy tell her “you’re acting crazy” knows exactly what kind of rage that lady must have been feeling.

And now, like everything in 2020, the term has become synonymous with Trump. According to the mainstream media, the president is a “master gaslighter.”

But in the last few months, or even years, who’s been gaslightin­g whom?

The DNC cheerleade­rs in the media have told us time and again not to believe our own eyes.

Whether Republican­s are discussing voter fraud or the the FBI’s attempt to overthrow the 2016 election, the response from the Brian Stelters of the world are always the same: They simply tack on their favorite warning labels and trigger words to delegitimi­ze the arguments.

“Trump tweets about widely debunked claims …”

“Trump touts conspiracy theory …”

“Trump claims (without evidence) …”

No matter what proof you put in front of them, the left vehemently denies it. But what’s even more dangerous than what the press dismisses outright is what they assert.

Remember the Russian hoax? Here’s a brief refresher: All roads lead to Putin. Trump is a Russian agent. The Trump family is compromise­d. Trump is Putin’s puppet!

It turns out there was zero evidence that Trump conspired with Russia.

Unless U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff is still waiting to release all of the “ample evidence of collusion” he so proudly touted on all the low-rated morning shows.

Now, here’s the real kicker:

The very same media who didn’t hesitate to divide a country with an utterly bogus hoax went radio silent when a legitimate scandal came knocking.

That, of course, brings me to the clearest case of the media’s gaslightin­g: the handling of the Hunter Biden bombshells.

For months, conservati­ve journalist­s were mocked for drilling down on Joe Biden’s son and his laundry list of problems.

RNC Spokespers­on Liz Harrington tried to spark a bit of journalist­ic curiosity while being interviewe­d by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. But when she broached the subject, the chief internatio­nal anchor smugly shook her head and told Harrington, “As you know perfectly well, I’m a journalist and a reporter, and I follow the facts, and there has never been any issues in terms of corruption.”

A huge part of our country knew, despite the media’s suppressio­n, about the Bidens’ problemati­c foreign business dealings.

You don’t have to be CNN’s chief anything to figure it out.

The completely inept son of a former vice president was making millions in shady business deals with foreign countries. Throw in Hunter’s laptop from hell (pictures included!) and his drug problem and you’d almost think this would be big news.

And it was … for the New York Post.

Their reward for being one of the only news outlets to take on the Biden Crime family?

They were suspended from Twitter by Jack Dorsey and the Ministry of Truth at Twitter.

CBS’ Lesley Stahl, in an October interview on “60 Minutes,” laughed at the president when he brought up the fact that Biden was in the middle of a massive scandal.

“He’s not,” Lesley said with a smirk and a giggle.

Fast-forward merely a few weeks and suddenly the media is feigning interest in the FBI’s investigat­ions into Hunter Biden.

No, there will be no apologies or mea culpas from the press. There will be no admission of bias or malice from the likes of Lesley Stahl or Jake Tapper or Savannah Guthrie or Christiane Amanpour.

Instead, they’ll play dumb and start pretending to do journalism again. After all, their guy won so they can afford it now.

What’s that? Oh, you don’t think Biden really won the election?

You’re acting crazy.

 ?? GeTTY ImAGeS FILe ?? ALL IN THE FAMILY: Hunter Biden, left, appears with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and brother, Beau, right, during the Inaugural Parade for President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.
GeTTY ImAGeS FILe ALL IN THE FAMILY: Hunter Biden, left, appears with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and brother, Beau, right, during the Inaugural Parade for President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.
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