Boston Herald

How to decide who gets custody of pet

- By JANN BLACKSTONE Dr. Jann Blackstone is the author of “Ex-etiquette for Parents: Good Behavior After Divorce or Separation,” and the founder of Bonus Families, bonusfamil­

Have you ever heard of people sharing an animal after they break up? My ex and I were together for 10 years. We got a cat right after we moved in together. We have now decided to live apart, but we can’t agree with whom the cat should live. I suggested that the cat live with me for a week and him for a week. What’s good ex-etiquette?

Whenever I answer an ex-etiquette question, I base the solution on the best interest of the children. If you do that, it’s easy to remove your own self interest and use the kids’ welfare as the criteria to make the right decision.

Since you did not mention you had children, I suggest you base your decision on what is best for your beloved cat. He is 10 years old. He probably has a routine, knows his space, and is comfortabl­e in his home. I know from experience — my own daughter brings her cats with cat box, toys and treats each time she visits. They are much younger; one is 3, the other is a year, and it takes them a few days to get acclimated, not to mention the car ride makes them crazy. I can only imagine what would happen if that was their way of life. They would never get acclimated and be hiding under the bed all week.

The back-and-forth life is difficult on children — they may want to hide under the bed when they have to pick up and get organized at the other home, but you can explain what’s happening to a child. You can reassure them that both parents love them, and work with them to make their life more comfortabl­e.

You can’t explain what’s happening to a 10-year-old cat, but using the same approach, I’d tell you to look what’s best for this cat and make your decision accordingl­y. Being a sensitive animal owner is very similar to being a sensitive parent — you are as unselfish as you can possibly be and make your decisions in their best interest.

So, rather than dig in your heels, I’d suggest you and your ex figure out who can spend the most time with the cat and where would he be the most comfortabl­e for his remaining years. If you’re friendly, perhaps set aside a time that the noncustodi­al pet owner can visit.

For all beings, look for the unselfish solution — not based in principle, but in love and compassion. That’s good ex-etiquette.

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