Boston Herald

Yellen speeches raked in $7M


President-elect Joe Biden’s choice to be treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, collected more than $7 million in speaking fees over the past two years from major financial firms and tech giants including Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Google, according to disclosure forms filed as part of her nomination.

Yellen’s was among three financial disclosure­s turned in by Biden transition officials that were made public on Thursday by the Office of Government Ethics. In a separate filing, Yellen listed firms and banks where she had received speaking fees and said she intended to “seek written authorizat­ion” from ethics officials to “participat­e personally and substantia­lly” in matters involving them.

Yellen was the Federal Reserve chair from 2014 to 2018. Her term was not renewed by President Donald Trump. She took in the speaking fees in 2019 and 2020.

Her selection by Biden to lead the Treasury Department has been cheered by progressiv­e Democrats, who support Yellen’s work as a labor economist who has long prioritize­d combating economic inequality. Since her nomination was announced, Yellen has pledged to work to fight systemic racism and climate change.

But receiving steep payments from Wall Street bankers and other powerful corporatio­ns could become an issue as her nomination works its way through a closely divided Senate. Hillary Clinton faced criticism from the left wing of the Democratic Party while running for president in 2016 for having received lucrative speaking fees at Wall Street firms.

A Biden transition spokespers­on said Friday that, since leaving the Fed, Yellen has “spoken at economic conference­s, universiti­es and to business groups and financial institutio­ns about her experience­s and her views on what we can do as a country to build a stronger economy and increase our competitiv­eness.” He added that “this is not someone who pulls punches when it comes to bad actors or bad behavior.”

Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden, ranking member of the chamber’s Finance Committee, said he expects Yellen’s nomination to “move forward quickly, with her hearing held before Inaugurati­on Day” on Jan. 20.

“In the last few years, she has shared her views in a range of forums — congressio­nal testimony, media interviews, speaking engagement­s, and opinion pieces,” Wyden said in a statement. “She’s been fully transparen­t.”

Also released Thursday were disclosure forms from Biden’s choice to be secretary of state, Antony Blinken, who detailed his work at a consulting firm he cofounded, WestExec Advisors, LLC. They show that Blinken was paid more than $1.1 million and has entered into an agreement, negotiated in October, to sell his equity interest in the firm, where he advised clients including Bank of America and Facebook.

 ?? CHris CHristo / Herald staFF File ?? CASHING IN: Then-Fed Chair Janet Yellen greets an attendee at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s 2016 conference. Sitting with Yellen is Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren.
CHris CHristo / Herald staFF File CASHING IN: Then-Fed Chair Janet Yellen greets an attendee at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s 2016 conference. Sitting with Yellen is Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren.

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