Boston Herald

Kerry skilled at going rogue with foreign policy

- Peter LUCAS

It’s no news flash that John Kerry reportedly held negotiatio­ns with Iran to undermine the Trump administra­tion. Trump put him on blast. But the story was given new life when the Washington Times ran a piece comparing Kerry to former Gen. Michael Flynn, and the hell Flynn was put through by the FBI for talking to Russian officials before he was confirmed as national security adviser to President Trump.

Kerry, as a former secretary of state — and as a private citizen — talked to the Iranians for years as he sought to revive the Iranian nuclear deal that President Trump trashed.

He also urged them and European leaders to wait Trump out.

Trump as president called what Kerry was doing “illegal shadow diplomacy.” Kerry shrugged.

Perhaps it was, but it is not the first time Kerry conducted his own foreign policy independen­t of the policy of the United States — and gotten away with it.

.As secretary of state under former President Barack Obama, Kerry began a close relationsh­ip — a bromance, as it were — with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, both before and during the months-long discussion­s over the Iranian nuclear arms deal.

That was the deal that saw the U.S. turn over $1.7 billion to Iran in an incentive to keep the Iranians from walking out on the nuclear arms deal that Obama wanted so badly. That money — U.S. dollars, euros and Swiss francs — was flown into Tehran at night in unmarked planes.

Kerry at one point commiserat­ed with Zarif over the “vicious criticism” Zarif and others were subjected to during the long negotiatio­ns. Kerry continued that relationsh­ip even after he was replaced as secretary of state after Obama left office.

Kerry, now Biden’s climate change czar, has openly admitted meeting with Zarif several times as a private citizen during the Trump presidency. They discussed salvaging the Iranian nuclear deal — and the need to urge Iranian and European leaders to hold fast until Trump was voted out of office, which he was.

Asked about this in a 2018 interview, Kerry said, ‘I think everybody in the world is talking about waiting out President Trump.”

What the paper failed to report was that colluding and communicat­ing with the countries’ adversarie­s has been Kerry’s method of operation for years, going back to the Vietnam War a half century ago.

Back then Kerry, a Vietnam War veteran who turned against the war, held his own secret peace talks in Paris with representa­tives of the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong.

While he had no official standing — and while he was still a Reserve U.S. Navy officer — his meeting took place in Paris while official U.S. peace talks were held at the same time in the same city.

Kerry even returned to Washington with an eightpoint NVA peace proposal that he presented to Congress. And instead of being sent to the brig, or officially reprimande­d for colluding with the enemy while serving in the military, Kerry was hailed as a hero by Democrats who also opposed the war.

Hardly had Kerry been elected to the Senate than he came up with another peace plan, this time in 1985 for Nicaragua, then in turmoil. After meeting with the communist-dominated Sandinista­s in Managua, Kerry announced that the Sandinista­s would agree to restore civil liberties if the U.S. halted its support of the Contras, their anti-communist enemies.

It was rejected. President Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger huffed, “If the Nicaraguan­s want to make an offer, they ought to make it through diplomatic channels.”

So it is no surprise that Kerry, a globalist, would continue to work on reviving the Iranian nuclear deal and undermine a president he disagrees with. Just don’t do it to him.

When Republican Sen. Tom Cotton warned the Iranians in a letter signed by fellow Republican­s that any deal signed by Kerry could later be undone, Kerry went ballistic.

Kerry called it a distractio­n. He told his buddy Zarif that the best way “to shut up the naysayers” was “to come home with a good deal in hand.”

He accused Cotton of interferin­g in foreign policy and “underminin­g“the Obama administra­tion, which is exactly what Kerry regularly did to the Nixon, Reagan and Trump administra­tions.

But he is John Kerry, so what’s the problem?

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