Boston Herald

No one should be forced to join a union

- By Stephen Moore Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation

In 1978, when I was 17 years old, I worked as an usher at concerts and sporting events earning $2.25 an hour, the minimum wage. I had to surrender about 15 cents of this meager hourly wage to a union I was forced to join. I could never understand what a union was doing to help me since the company had the legal requiremen­t to pay me $2.25.

I wanted out of the union, but they told me I must pay dues to keep the job. Shouldn’t there be a law against this type of coercion?

There is, actually. It is called the First Amendment. The right of associatio­n is not explicitly listed in the Bill of Rights. Still, the courts establishe­d this “fundamenta­l right,” ironically enough, in 1958 in the landmark Supreme Court case NAACP v. Alabama. Crucially, the courts declared that “the First Amendment protects a right to associate and a right not to associate together.”

I was thinking about this when I watched the viral video of Rep. Tim Ryan, the Ohio Democrat, on the House floor slamming Republican­s for opposing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act that would force tens of millions to join a union.

“Heaven forbid that we pass something that’s going to help the damn workers in the United States of America,” he fumed. ” We talk about giving the right to organize; you (Republican­s) complain.”

The left lionized him as a champion for the little guy. But hold on there, Congressma­n. No one is saying that unions should not exist or that they should not be able to organize. I would be first in line to defend their First Amendment right to do so.

This bill doesn’t allow people to associate with a union. It forces them to join the union. In other words, it violates millions of workers’ First Amendment right not to associate with a union.

In 27 states, voters have adopted right-to-work laws that prohibit forced union participat­ion. Those laws are popular with voters and workers. That’s why the union bosses are running to Congress.

There are good reasons why bluecollar workers may not want to join a union. The corruption with Big Labor has been so rampant with union bosses taking high six-figure salaries, parties, and spending union dues on junkets to Hawaii and the Caribbean that workers have said they want out. Unions also donate tens of millions of dollars of worker dues to Democratic politician­s. In many unions, as many as half of the rank-and-file workers on the line aren’t even in favor of the Democrats. They are Trump-voting Republican­s.

High-performing workers also don’t want to be under the umbrella of “collective” bargaining agreements because they want to get pay raises above what low-performers and shirkers earn. Union laws often prevent productive workers from getting more, just as teachers unions all but prevent poor-performing teachers from getting fired.

Don’t forget the convenient reason why workers of right-to-work states don’t want to be told by Washington they must rush into the union bosses’ arms. Right-to-work states are where the jobs are. Rightto-work states create about twice as many new jobs as forced-union states. Right-to-work states have created triple the number of manufactur­ing jobs as forced-union states. America hasn’t lost auto jobs. The jobs have left states such as Michigan, Ohio and New York in favor of free states such as Texas, Tennessee, Florida and Alabama.

Workers should think about this: If all 50 states become forced union states, where will the jobs go next? Probably China and Mexico.

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