Boston Herald

Be careful who you call Neandertha­l, Mr. President

- Peter LUCAS

Outside of the Democrats, the only other people I know who shut down schools are the Taliban.

The Democrats not only shut down schools like the Taliban did in Afghanista­n, but they have adopted a Taliban-like cancel culture.

If they don’t like what you say, they shut you down.

The Taliban are the fundamenta­list Sunni Muslims who ruled Afghanista­n for about five years before they were thrown out in 2001 by the U.S. military following the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Democrats are fundamenta­l looney left radicals who rule Washington, but who will be thrown out in 2022.

The Taliban, during their short and cruel rule from Kabul made beheadings commonplac­e, especially for Muslims who did not follow their radical interpreta­tion of Islam. It was their form of cancel culture.

The first thing the Taliban did upon coming to power in Kabul was to shut down the schools to keep young people, especially girls and women, ignorant. Music, dancing, movies and books were all banned.

Those who broke the law were flogged, beaten, shot and beheaded.

The progressiv­e Democrats are not that bad yet.

They may have canceled the books of Dr. Seuss, but they have not yet burned the works of Ernest Hemingway or T.S Eliot, one an alleged racist and the other an alleged anti-Semite, but who knows?

Democrats likewise have little tolerance for anyone who has views divergent from their own, particular­ly if you are an American with common sense, believe in the freedom of speech and happen to be a Republican.

President Biden blasted Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott the other day for differing with him over mandatory mask wearing. Biden religiousl­y wears a mask.

No sooner did Abbott make wearing masks voluntary rather than mandatory in Texas, than Biden accused him of thinking like a Neandertha­l, as though that were something bad.

The Neandertha­ls (Homo Neandertha­lensis) are all gone now. But before they disappeare­d about 40,00050,000 years ago, they survived on this planet for nearly 100,000 years.

They came from Africa and lived in Europe and Asia for thousands of years before modern humans (Homo Sapiens) followed them out of Africa.

They were skilled hunters who used spears to kill woolly mammoths. They had fire, buried their dead. They had families and lived in small villages.

They failed to compete with the Homo Sapiens newcomers, however. But they inbred with them until the Neandertha­ls slowly became extinct.

Perhaps many students would be aware of the fate of the Neandertha­ls if Biden stood up to the teachers’ union and opened schools instead of mumbling into his mask and running away every time the subject comes up.

If so, Biden and the Democrats have their work cut out for them if they really consider themselves the big tent party of inclusion, unity, open borders, no borders, illegal immigrants, minorities, majorities, diversity, clarity, civility, ethnics, ethics, equity, equality, justice, racial justice, injustice, social justice, real justice, no justice, accountabi­lity, transparen­cy, integrity, liberty, freedom and free stuff.

So why not reach out to the now ridiculed Americans with Neandertha­l DNA, apologize for the racial smear and bring them into the big tent?

For all we know, Biden himself may be walking around with Neandertha­l DNA.

Gov. Abbott, in the name of transparen­cy, should demand that Biden get tested, not for COVID — he’s already gotten his shots — but for Neandertha­l ancestry.

Neandertha­ls may be a minority, but they are Americans too.

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