Boston Herald

Provinceto­wn sees breakthrou­gh cases

State reports 1 virus death over weekend

- By Rick Sobey

Provinceto­wn officials on Monday said coronaviru­s vaccine breakthrou­gh cases have been reported in the Cape town over the past few days, while Massachuse­tts health officials reported one virus death and 322 cases from over the weekend.

Infection counts have been ticking up a bit, while deaths remain at near-record low levels amid the vaccine rollout. Almost 4.3 million people in the Bay State have been fully vaccinated.

Provinceto­wn Town Manager Alex Morse on Monday said the town is aware of a “handful” of positive COVID cases being reported over the past few days among folks who have spent time in Provinceto­wn.

“A number of cases being reported are breakthrou­gh cases, that is, testing positive for COVID despite being fully vaccinated,” Morse wrote on Facebook.

Peoples’ symptoms are more mild when they’ve been fully vaccinated.

The breakthrou­gh cases come as the more contagious delta variant spreads across the country and becomes the dominant strain.

“None of the vaccines are 100%, so we expect some breakthrou­gh cases,” Boston University infectious diseases specialist Davidson Hamer told the Herald on Monday.

Meanwhile, the state Department of Public Health reported one new virus death and 322 new cases from over the weekend.

The daily average of 1.3 deaths is near the pandemic low of 1.1 deaths from last week. The state’s total recorded death toll is 18,012.

The daily average of 93 cases is up from the record low of 64 daily cases last month. The average percent positivity has increased to 0.55% from the pandemic low of 0.31% last month.

“The delta variant is definitely more contagious, so I expect we’ll see an increase in cases,” said Todd Ellerin, director of infectious diseases at South Shore Health.

“Get vaccinated,” he said. “As well as we’re doing, there are still way too many people in our state who are not vaccinated.”

The state’s COVID hospitaliz­ation count is now 101 patients, which is up 21 patients from the record low of 80 patients on July 4.

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