Boston Herald

Biden blunders push biased mainstream media to limit

- By rich lowry Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

Poor Ron Klain.

It’s not a good sign when a White House chief of staff to a Democratic president wants to re-tweet favorable news coverage and all he can find is the least credible and most slavishly loyal commentato­rs on the internet.

The Afghanista­n fiasco has created that most disorienti­ng and discomfiti­ng experience for a progressiv­e administra­tion — a serious bout of critical media coverage immune to White House spin and determined to tell the unvarnishe­d story of an ongoing debacle.

The White House and its allies have lashed out at what they are portraying as an insular, pro-war media ignoring its many successes in the Afghan evacuation.

This, like Ron Klain’s tweeting, is a sign of desperatio­n and of a feeling of outraged betrayal that usually dependable allies have, on this story, switched sides. Say it’s not so, CNN.

The White House is unfamiliar with what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a media feeding frenzy.

But on Afghanista­n, Joe Biden in effect set out to test how much shameless incompeten­ce and dishonesty the media would accept. The answer? Not nearly enough.

The press is blatantly biased and has become even more so over time, repeatedly propagatin­g false narratives that have shredded its credibilit­y. Still, there are limits beyond which even it can’t be pushed.

Biden said the Afghan withdrawal wouldn’t be another Saigon within weeks of Saigon-like scenes of a hasty evacuation of the U.S. embassy, of terrified Afghans clinging to a U.S. transport plane, of desperate Afghans passing their infants over the barbed wire to Western soldiers guarding the Kabul airport.

There is no number of look-onthe-bright-side briefings that are going to overcome these indelible images.

The contradict­ion in Biden’s case for withdrawal was also too stark to ignore. He originally justified his pullout because the Afghan government and military were capable of defending the country without us, then he justified his exit because the government and military collapsed so quickly. Which was it?

Much of what Biden has said in his remarks and press conference­s has been vulnerable to instant fact checks. When he said that Americans weren’t having trouble getting through to the airport, reporters could immediatel­y attest that it wasn’t true.

Who was everyone supposed to believe? Biden’s misleading assurance, or CNN reporter Clarissa Ward’s compelling report from outside the Kabul airport that she was threatened with a whip for not covering her face and her producer nearly pistol whipped? Ward said it was “mayhem” and “a miracle that more people haven’t been very, very seriously hurt.”

The plaints from the administra­tion and its most committed journalist­ic supporters that the coverage has been unfair and the product of a press biased toward interventi­onism ring hollow.

It’s not as though only the American media has noticed Biden’s ineptitude, either. If anything, our foreign allies have been harsher about the humiliatin­g mess Biden has stumbled into (former British prime minister Tony Blair called it “imbecilic”) than journalist­s here at home.

Since he won the Democratic nomination last year, Biden has been the subject of relentless favorable press coverage forgiving his lapses and enthusiast­ic about his alleged accomplish­ments. It was hard to see what he could do to lose media support, even for a time, and then he botched his withdrawal.

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