Boston Herald

Spineless Joe cuts and runs – America, Afghanista­n pay

- Peter Lucas Peter Lucas is a veteran Massachuse­tts political reporter and columnist.

Joe Biden needs to grow a backbone.

But it is probably too late, given his lack of resolve to go after the terrorists who killed 13 U.S. troops, or rescue abandoned Americans and thousands of Afghans who helped us.

Instead he cut and ran, lying to all those still stranded in Kabul. He tried vainly — but loudly — to justify his botched evacuation efforts in a speech Tuesday night.

If nothing else, Biden knows how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

That backbone advice was given by the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to President George H.W. Bush following Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

“Remember, George this is no time to go wobbly,” the confident U.K. leader told the president.

And Bush did not go wobbly. Instead he put together a military coalition that, headed by Army General Norman Schwarzkop­f, led to the victorious invasion of Iraq and the freeing of Kuwait.

What followed the successful First Gulf War is another matter. At the time, though, Bush showed he could lead. It also helped that the U.S. had the best trained, best equipped and most highly motivated military in the world.

We still have that military, but we do not have the leader. What we have is wobbly Joe Biden and his disastrous Kabul pullout plan, which even former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair called “imbecilic.”

Nor do we have any other western political leaders with the stature of the late Margaret Thatcher to provide advice and guidance to a weak and negligent Joe Biden.

Not that Biden would take it. At age 78, he has been around longer than any of the leaders of Germany, France, Italy or the U.K. So he is not about to take advice from any junior statesman when he does not take advice from his own generals or advisers.

Otherwise he would not have so recklessly withdrawn the 2,500 U.S. troops from the country to meet a self-imposed deadline, only to insert 6,000 more to defend the withdrawal. And he withdrew without even informing fellow NATO members of his precipitou­s and botched plans.

Biden is responsibl­e for the death of those troops. The ISIS suicide bomber who got through the Taliban “security” checkpoint to detonate the bomb, was most likely among the 5,000 hardcore terrorist prisoners released after Biden ordered the abandonmen­t of the Bagram air base.

The unfolding disaster at the airport was so predictabl­e that even the cashier at Market Basket knew it was coming.

And Biden’s vow to hunt down the terrorists responsibl­e for the bombing rings as hollow as his other promises. He is a hollow president.

If we could not hunt ISIS terrorists down while we were in Afghanista­n — or rescue the stranded Americans — how can we possibly do it when we are gone?

Biden’s response is to have assets on hand to do it, somewhere “over the horizon.” It would be more accurate to call them assets somewhere over the rainbow.

Biden, in truth, abandoned hundreds of Americans who are now Taliban hostages if ISIS does not kill them first. The terrorists will also kill thousands of Afghans who worked for the U.S., and who also have been left behind..

Ronald Reagan called his ascendency to the White House “Morning in America.” Biden has turned that into an endless midnight.

Recall the ominous press conference Biden held just before the 13 American soldiers were killed.

Flanked by four advisers, Biden looked funereal.

Dressed in black, all wearing black masks, and all silent, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan, loomed around Biden like pall bearers awaiting the casket.

Now the caskets have come home.

It was Austin who earlier said of rescuing the stranded Americans: “We don’t have the capability to go out and collect up large numbers of people.”

The United States? The strongest military in the world? No capability to deal with a bunch of terrorists killing Americans and holding others hostage? What? For shame.

Grow a backbone, Joe, or go home.

 ?? Ap ?? COMING HOME: Secretary of State Antony Blinken, President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden look on Sunday as a carry team moves a transfer case during a casualty return at Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base for the 13 service members killed in last week’s suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanista­n.
Ap COMING HOME: Secretary of State Antony Blinken, President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden look on Sunday as a carry team moves a transfer case during a casualty return at Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base for the 13 service members killed in last week’s suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanista­n.
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