Boston Herald

MCAS results will spotlight academic needs after COVID year

- By ed LaMbert Ed Lambert is executive director of the Massachuse­tts Business Alliance for Education.

The annual release of the Massachuse­tts Comprehens­ive Assessment System test scores has garnered little attention in recent years — not so in 2021. When the results are made public this week, we’ll have our first look at how our students were affected by the continual interrupti­ons in learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although the MCAS results usually serve as a benchmark for school and district performanc­e, they weren’t intended to serve that function this year. Instead, a pared-down version of the tests administer­ed this spring sought to pinpoint the extent of K-12 students’ pandemic learning loss and how those losses disproport­ionately affected students by race, socio-economic status and disability. Because of the attendance issues, varying levels of inperson and virtual learning and other disruption­s during the school year, this year’s results will be far from perfect. Neverthele­ss, the results were expected to yield a good amount of diagnostic data for teachers, schools and districts to use to develop strategies to help recover student learning losses and determine which areas require the most interventi­on.

In other words, MCAS scores will serve as a complement to teachers’ own assessment­s and observatio­ns, and help them make the most congruous adjustment­s to their current grade learning plans to incorporat­e what students missed last year. This practice should not be considered remediatio­n, but rather “tiering” or “scaffoldin­g” — something our teachers are adept at — which will help students transition back into the classroom and bring them up to grade level. For example, based on the data, school leaders will be able to understand if fourth-graders in a certain school need extra time on fractions, while sixth-graders in another need to brush up on their reading comprehens­ion.

Every year, MCAS results provide vital, grade-level insights into students’ academic needs, but this year the results, regardless of actual test scores, will be invaluable in helping schools respond to students’ unfinished learning. Opponents of standardiz­ed testing have often used the occasion of low MCAS scores as an opportunit­y to question the validity of the test in order to scuttle it all together. But low scores — especially this year — shouldn’t be used as an excuse to discredit the test. They should be expected. Also, since there are no accountabi­lity consequenc­es from the scores, school districts will not be penalized — and should not be criticized — for any drop in performanc­e.

However, school districts should be held accountabl­e for how they’re using MCAS data to help students catch up. The districts received the scores in early July, so they already know the extent of learning loss. Their having and using this data over the summer to plan curricula in the new school year should be a big victory for students and their families. Likewise, parents should know how their child is doing, not with anecdotes but with the objective informatio­n MCAS scores provide. As this school year gets under way, families should inquire how their district has used this data over the past two months to prepare teachers for the upcoming school year. This will empower parents to partner with teachers on what will best meet their child’s needs.

In addition, the Massachuse­tts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

has an obligation to use MCAS data to inform the public understand­ing of the impact of the pandemic on students, and provide informatio­n and analysis that will guide how future education leaders and policymake­rs respond to pandemics and other significan­t disruption­s to typical schooling. DESE should also undertake analysis to follow the cohort of students pre and post pandemic, disaggrega­ting data by learning mode — in-person, remote and hybrid — and student demographi­cs.

Districts across the state are receiving substantia­l federal COVID relief funding coupled with state aid, including through the Student Opportunit­y Act. Both the state and the districts have a critical role to play in guiding that funding into sustainabl­e programs that improve student outcomes. These resources will allow districts to target their funds toward the students who need the most assistance and on the strategies proven to accelerate student learning.

 ?? NAncy lAnE / HErAld stAff filE ?? BACK TO SCHOOL: Orchard Gardens' principal Lauren Murdock exchanges fist bumps with students on the first day of school on Sept. 9 in Boston.
NAncy lAnE / HErAld stAff filE BACK TO SCHOOL: Orchard Gardens' principal Lauren Murdock exchanges fist bumps with students on the first day of school on Sept. 9 in Boston.

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