Boston Herald

Can melatonin gummies solve bedtime struggles? Experts advise caution

- By Jenny Gold

For three exhausting years, Lauren Lockwood tried to get her son Rex to sleep through the night. As an infant, he couldn’t sleep without a blanket over his carrier to drown out the world around him. At age 2, it sometimes took hours for him — and her — to fall asleep, only for him to be jolted awake from night terrors that left him shrieking in panic.

Over the years, Lockwood, a nurse midwife who runs a group for new moms from her home in Oakland, Calif., experiment­ed with a gamut of approaches to bedtime. When Rex was a baby, she let him “cry it out” so he could learn to put himself back to sleep. As he got older, she would lie beside him for hours each night. Finally, she hired a sleep consultant who created yet another plan that didn’t solve the problem. By the time Rex was 3, Lockwood, with another baby on the way, was worn out and desperate.

Then she read about melatonin, a hormone released by the human pineal gland that helps regulate the sleep cycle. Melatonin is sold as a dietary supplement at pharmacies across the U.S. and marketed for kids in the form of chewable tablets, flavored liquids and gummies.

“I thought maybe he just needed a reset,” said Lockwood.

From the very first night, said Lockwood, “it was like a whole different kid.” She gave him a melatonin tablet and read him a story, and he fell asleep almost immediatel­y.

“Our plan was to use melatonin for two weeks and stop.”

Six years later, he still takes it every night.

In recent years, melatonin supplement­s have become an increasing­ly common child sleep aid that in the U.S. requires no prescripti­on and is only lightly regulated by the FDA.

In 2021, Americans spent $1.09 billion overall on melatonin supplement­s, a nearly 150% increase over 2018 sales, according to data provided by NielsenIQ.

Meanwhile, the number of reports of melatonin poisoning

involving young children — meaning they ingested excessive dosages — more than doubled from 2017 through 2021, according to the American Associatio­n of Poison Control Centers. There were about 46,300 melatonin poisoning reports involving children age 5 and under in 2021, up from nearly 19,400 in 2017.

Potential symptoms of an overdose include headaches, dizziness and irritabili­ty. Only a handful of the reported incidents led to major medical issues.

“It speaks to the ubiquitous­ness of melatonin. It’s trickled down to younger and younger children,” said Dr. Judith Owens, co-director of the sleep center at Boston Children’s Hospital and a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. “What I find particular­ly alarming is that pediatrici­ans are recommendi­ng this as a quick fix. It gives parents and then older kids the message that if you can’t sleep, you need to take a pill.”

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends against the use of melatonin for chronic insomnia in both adults and children and will soon release a health advisory stating that melatonin should not be used in children without a physician’s supervisio­n, said Dr. Muhammad Adeel Rishi, cochair of the group’s public safety committee and a sleep specialist at Indiana University.

“More often than not, insomnia in children is a behavioral problem, and it’s related to their bedtime routine, access to electronic­s at bedtime, and other activities they engage with other than sleeping,” said Rishi. “Often you can treat it without medication, with behavioral interventi­ons.”

Rishi attributes the recent increase in children’s use of melatonin in part to marketing efforts by supplement manufactur­ers, including products like gummies targeted specifical­ly to children. But he also believes

the pandemic has spawned a “growing epidemic of insomnia.”

“We’ve been going through a very stressful time as a society. It’s available over the counter, so there’s easy access. Parents are often taking it themselves. And it’s supposedly safe,” said Rishi. “It’s kind of a perfect storm.”

For all the concern expressed about melatonin, it also has staunch defenders among sleep specialist­s and pediatrici­ans, creating a confusing mixed message for parents seeking a fix for their sleep-deprived households.

Dr. Rafael Pelayo, a professor in the division of sleep medicine at Stanford Medicine, said he considers melatonin a useful tool for treating sleep disorders in children.

“It’s simply telling the brain that night is approachin­g,” he said. “I think the real problem isn’t that it’s being overused. It’s how prevalent sleep problems are for kids.

“A small improvemen­t in

the child’s sleep,” he added, “can have a dramatic impact on the family.”

Pelayo said he sometimes recommends melatonin for children while the family also implements behavioral changes to address an underlying issue. Many kids manage without it after they learn the skill of sleeping on their own, he said, but some do end up taking it long term. He said it works best for children who have trouble falling asleep, rather than those who wake frequently through the night.

Studies suggest that melatonin appears to be safe for short-term use in children, but there is little informatio­n on the long-term effects, according to the National Institutes of Health. Because melatonin is a hormone, some experts worry its use could delay puberty, though the evidence is scarce. Other possible side effects include drowsiness, bed-wetting and agitation.

Owens said she worries about the teenagers and young adults who have been

on melatonin for a decade or more, the effects of which are still unknown.

“Whenever you recommend or prescribe a sleep medication, you have to have an exit strategy. What is your benchmark for saying we’re going to stop this medication now?” she said. “I have patients who ask for their sleep pill every night, and that sends chills up my spine.”

Phillip Reese, an assistant professor of journalism at California State University­Sacramento, contribute­d to this article. This column was written for Kaiser Health News, a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at Kaiser Family Foundation. KFF is an endowed nonprofit organizati­on providing informatio­n on health issues to the nation. This column was provided by Tribune News Service.

 ?? TNS ?? SLEEP TIGHT: In recent years, melatonin supplement­s have become an increasing­ly common child sleep aid that in the U.S. requires no prescripti­on.
TNS SLEEP TIGHT: In recent years, melatonin supplement­s have become an increasing­ly common child sleep aid that in the U.S. requires no prescripti­on.

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