Boston Herald


- Right: Invitation to a fundraiser for Holbrook Selectman Daniel Lee.

toothless tigers who still remembered where they were the night Spike O’Toole stepped out of the Bulldog on Savin Hill Ave and into a hail of Winter Hill gang bullets back in 1973.

Now Holbrook is the answer to the question, where did Dorchester go?

It’s kind of a cross between Peyton Place and the Dukes of Hazard. I mean, just look at Daniel Lee. He used to practicall­y live at the Golden Pacific, but he had a problem or two there — you can check out the police reports on YouTube. Now he holds his, uh, office hours at Donahue’s Pub.

In that way, he’s like the second name on the invite list — Rep. Mark Cusack, of neighborin­g Braintree. Cusack has two district offices in Braintree — at the Brew House and at the Southside Tavern near the mall.

You may recall Cusack (his name rhymes with hack) for a famous postmidnig­ht date he enjoyed in the House chambers back in 2011 with Diana DiZoglio, the future $229,377-a-year state auditor.

Holbrook’s in Norfolk County, so you can kind of understand Mariano and Cusack heading down there last night and holding their nose to spend some time with Deadbeat Dan Lee et al.

But what about those payroll patriots from Brockton? Why were they on the guest list?

I couldn’t figure that out until another barfly from the Golden Pacific filled me in.

The town administra­tor of Holbrook is Greg

Hanley, and he just happens to be a… Plymouth County commission­er. If you’re a city pol in Brockton, it doesn’t hurt to do a favor for one of the county commission­ers.

Again, though, why would Mariano want to be associated with such a motley collection of Band C-list hacks, especially as he approaches the checkout counter?

Maybe hanging out with such a loathsome crew last night was merely an exercise in nostalgia — or should I say nostalgie de la boue, which is defined as a desire for low-life experience and degradatio­n, which certainly describes politics in Holbrook.

Remember, Mariano served under three speakers who were convicted of felonies and was put on the path to his own speakershi­p by an unindicted coconspira­tor.

And Mariano’s own heir apparent is Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, one-time consiglier­e to the crime syndicate run by ex-Speaker Sal DiMasi (Bureau of Prisons #27371-038).

So I’m sure a wonderful time was had by all last night at Lucky’s 777. If you were indicted, you were invited.

The only bon vivant missing was Spike O’Toole, and that was only because he was set up by Eddie Connors on Savin Hill Avenue on that cold December night before he could flee to Holbrook and get a job with everybody else at Town Hall.

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