Boston Sunday Globe

Grief Compounded


I just spent 30 minutes reading this (“Truth for the Dead,” August 21) and got more nauseated by the second. I had heard all along about those who thought the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, but to read this and see how so many truly believed it — and the lengths they went to prove their point — is just unimaginab­le. I cannot begin to comprehend what those parents had to endure — first that their child was so brutally murdered, then in the midst of their suffering to have to think people didn’t believe it happened? I will have trouble sleeping tonight knowing there are so many fellow Americans out there who are just so . . . out there. Beth Kidwell

South Dennis

It is hard to believe that people can be so cruel to spread so much misinforma­tion. This gives me a better understand­ing of what is going on in today’s world. It is hard to understand why people like Liz Cheney, who is seeking truth, are so trampled on. These people must be very troubled to spread so much suffering. Jesus says the truth will make you free. Thank you for printing the truth in exquisite journalism. Margaret Meyer


Thank you to the Globe Magazine for this welldocume­nted, yet sobering and sad, piece. Two questions come to mind when I read about these conspiracy theorists and their effects on innocent people: What percentage of the US population is this? And, how long can society function with so many of these people? It has been suggested that these folks should be put on an island. We’re going to need a big island.

Jerry Morris Marshfield

I read every word of the article on Noah Pozner, and I compliment Amanda Crawford on the research and writing. How any sane person could think that Sandy Hook was a hoax is unbelievab­le.

Santo Aurelio Arlington

Heartbreak­ing article. Almost 10 years have passed since many people said “never again” after Sandy Hook, and many people are still saying “never again.” Noah Pozner should be a teenager, studying for his driving permit, and his parents should be worried about that, not dealing with the Alex Joneses of the Web world.

Suzanne Champigny Salem

Crawford’s story stopped me in my tracks and left me in tears. Feelings of heartbreak, sadness, anger, and outrage overwhelme­d me. It is my hope that the work of Lenny Pozner (with the support of his former wife, Veronique) in memory and honor of their beloved Noah will inspire and empower people to rise up in the face of such evil and restore compassion, empathy, and kindness to the world.

Susan Cunningham


Wonderful article regarding the Sandy Elementary School Hook tragedy. How people like Alex Jones, Wolfgang Halbig, and James

Fetzer can distort the truth while creating such agony for grieving parents is beyond comprehens­ion. These conspiraci­es and distortion­s of the truth are too often heard from many of our politician­s, causing great harm to our democracy. As a Rotarian, I cannot help but think how Rotary clubs are asked to apply “The 4-Way Test”: 1) Is it the truth ?2)Isit fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build good will and better friendship­s? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The conspiracy theorists can only say no to these questions.

Esther Sherman Arlan

Nashua, New Hampshire

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