Boston Sunday Globe

What the Yes on Question 1 and No on Question 4 campaigns have in common

- By Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @jeff_jacoby. To subscribe to Arguable, his weekly newsletter, visit

When I go to the polls this week, I plan to vote No on Question 1, the proposed amendment to the Massachuse­tts Constituti­on that would impose a permanent surtax of 4 percent on all income above $1 million. The current income tax rate is 5 percent, so the “millionair­e tax,” if approved, would jump to 9 percent — an 80 percent increase in the marginal tax rate.

On Question 4, I intend to vote Yes. That is the referendum on the new state law authorizin­g undocument­ed immigrants to apply for a Massachuse­tts driver’s license. The statute is on the books but has not yet gone into effect; the referendum asks voters whether to retain the law or repeal it. My Yes is a vote to keep the law intact.

On the face of it, these two ballot measures have nothing to do with each other. I expect that most left-leaning Massachuse­tts voters will favor both the surtax and the driver’s license law, while most Bay State conservati­ves who oppose the higher tax will also vote against letting immigrants without legal status get licenses to drive.

Yet to my mind, both campaigns are fueled by the same ignominiou­s motivation: the desire to isolate and punish a disfavored minority.

Those clamoring for a steep surtax on anyone reporting more than $1 million in income repeatedly trumpet the message that only the tiniest sliver of Massachuse­tts residents would have to pay it. The pro-tax forces camouflage their pitch behind clouds of rhetoric about making Massachuse­tts “fairer” and spending more on education and transporta­tion. Underneath the PR, however, is a zealousnes­s to scapegoat and penalize the “1 percent” — to provoke resentment against the well-off for supposedly failing to bear a fair share of the state’s fiscal needs. An old maxim defines unbridled democracy as four wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. Question 1’s proponents keep reminding voters that the sheep can be targeted with impunity because there are so few of them.

Equally spiteful is the eagerness of Question 4’s promoters to bar undocument­ed immigrants from obtaining a driver’s license. On occasion, they drape their motives in reasonable-sounding concerns about ballot security and public safety. But it’s no secret that hostility to the license law is largely a function of hostility toward foreigners who came to the United States without proper immigratio­n papers.

The website of the repeal campaign seethes with animus against migrants who don’t have green cards. Under the heading “Why vote No on Question 4?” it answers,

“We cannot reward people who broke our laws to be here.” It warns that retaining the law “will bring more illegal immigratio­n to Massachuse­tts,” along with “everything that comes with illegal immigratio­n: violent gangs, criminals, and drugs.”

The same bile is reflected in the official statement submitted by the No on 4 campaign for the secretary of state’s official voter guide to the 2022 ballot. “This bill,” it declares, “is patently unfair to those who have taken the time to immigrate to our great country via legal means.” During debates, on talk shows, and in editorial columns, foes of the license law consistent­ly make it clear that what animates their opposition is resentment of the migrants who crossed the border without an immigratio­n visa.

Both ballot campaigns rely on arguments that are flimsy or false. Supporters of the surtax assert that it will generate an additional $2 billion a year for public education and transporta­tion in Massachuse­tts. But there is no requiremen­t in the proposed amendment that funding for education and transporta­tion be increased by a single penny. Even less defensible is the contention that the surtax will affect only the superrich. Analysts from the Pioneer Institute and Tufts University have demonstrat­ed that roughly half the households that would be vulnerable to the surtax would be “millionair­es” for one year only — typically taxpayers selling a business or a home in preparatio­n for retirement.

As for driver’s licenses, the repeal advocates’ main attempt at a policy-based argument is that letting undocument­ed immigrants apply for a license could lead to voter fraud, since the Registry of Motor Vehicles can register eligible voters. But it’s a meritless claim. No applicant can be registered to vote without first providing the RMV with a US birth certificat­e, an American passport, or naturaliza­tion papers. Hundreds of thousands of green card holders in Massachuse­tts — noncitizen­s who are here lawfully — have always been permitted to get a regular driver’s license. If they don’t pose a threat to ballot integrity, why would any other noncitizen­s?

Yet for the activists who lobbied or gathered signatures to get Question 1 and Question 4 on the ballot, my sense is that the policy arguments are mere fig leaves. More meaningful by far is antipathy toward a segment of the population they stigmatize, disrespect, or feel justified in treating worse than they would want to be treated themselves. They are engaged in what ethicists call “othering” — demonizing millionair­es (in the case of Question 1) or undocument­ed migrants (for Question 4) and letting that aversion propel their ballot campaign.

Millionair­es and undocument­ed immigrants may not seem to have much in common. I don’t doubt that ballot activists in each camp — pro-surtax and anti-driver’s license — will scoff at the suggestion that the minority they want to disadvanta­ge is entitled to sympathy. That’s the logic of scapegoate­rs: Abuse is OK, as long as it’s directed at those who deserve it. Some scapegoats have a large income. Some lack immigratio­n documents. Voters are being asked which scapegoat they wish to mistreat. My answer is: Neither.

 ?? PAT GREENHOUSE/GLOBE STAFF ?? A sign in favor of Question 1, which would raise taxes on incomes over $1 million. Question 4 asks whether undocument­ed immigrants should have driver’s licenses.
PAT GREENHOUSE/GLOBE STAFF A sign in favor of Question 1, which would raise taxes on incomes over $1 million. Question 4 asks whether undocument­ed immigrants should have driver’s licenses.

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