Boston Sunday Globe

Clergy or spies? Churches become tools of war in Ukraine

- By Andrew E. Kramer

‘The Russian Orthodox Church is in reality a tool of Russian aggression.’

ARCHBISHOP YEVSTRATIY, spokespers­on for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

KYIV — Andriy Pavlenko, an Orthodox church abbot in eastern Ukraine, seemed to be on a selfless spiritual mission. When war came, he remained with his flock and even visited a hospital to pray with wounded soldiers.

But in fact, according to court records, Pavlenko was working actively to kill Ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian activists, including a priest from a rival Orthodox church in his city, Sievierodo­netsk.

“In the north, there are about 500 of them, with a mortar platoon, five armored personnel carriers and three tanks,” Pavlenko wrote to a Russian officer in March, as the Russian army was hammering Sievierodo­netsk and areas around it with artillery.

“He needs to be killed,” he wrote of the rival priest, according to evidence introduced at his trial in a Ukrainian court, showing he had sent lists to the Russian army of people to round up once the city was occupied. Pavlenko was convicted as a spy in December and then traded with Russia in a prisoner exchange.

His was hardly an isolated case. In the past month, authoritie­s have arrested or publicly identified as suspects more than 30 clergymen and nuns of the Ukrainian arm of the Russian Orthodox Church.

To Ukrainian security services, the Russian-aligned church, one of the country’s two major Orthodox churches, poses a uniquely subversive threat — a widely trusted institutio­n that is not only an incubator of proRussia sentiment but is also infiltrate­d by priests, monks, and nuns who have aided Russia in the war.

Recent months have brought a quick succession of searches of churches and monasterie­s, and decrees and laws restrictin­g the activity of the Russian-aligned church, confusingl­y named the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarcha­te. On Tuesday, Ukraine’s Supreme Court upheld a 2018 law that requires truthful naming of religious organizati­ons if they are affiliated with a country at war with Ukraine — a law tailored to force the church to call itself Russian.

President Volodymyr Zelensky in December asked Parliament to ban any church that answers to Russia, although no details have been proposed yet, so it remains unclear how that would work. Ukrainian authoritie­s plan to revoke the Russian church’s lease on two revered houses of worship — the Holy Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church — in the Monastery of the Caves complex in Kyiv, a 1,000-year-old catacomb cradling the mummies of the holiest saints in Slavic Orthodoxy.

The Ukrainian crackdown on the Russian church has elicited howls of protest from the church and the Russian government, which call it an assault on religious freedom. On Tuesday, Metropolit­an Pavlo Lebed, the head of the Russian-aligned church at the Monastery of the Caves, appealed to Zelensky in a video.

“Do you want to take away faith in people, take away the last hope?” he said. “Do not tell us which church to go to.”

Zelensky, who is Jewish, and Ukrainian law enforcemen­t agencies say the crackdown has nothing to do with religious freedom, which they argue does not extend to espionage, sedition, sabotage, or treason.

For centuries, Ukraine’s Orthodox churches were under the Russian church, whose leadership in Moscow wholeheart­edly supports President Vladimir Putin’s war. But in recent years, many priests and parishes, and millions of the faithful, have switched allegiance­s to the independen­t new Orthodox Church of Ukraine, a migration accelerate­d by the war. The two churches are virtually identical in liturgy; what separates them are politics and nationalis­m.

Early in December, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church called the accusation­s of collaborat­ion between its clergy and Russia “unproven and groundless.”

The Russian-aligned church, which still represents millions of Ukrainians, insists that it cut ties with its Russian hierarchy at the onset of the war. The independen­t Ukrainian church calls that break insincere and flatly condemns its counterpar­t for not making a real break with Moscow.

“The Russian Orthodox Church is in reality a tool of Russian aggression,” Archbishop Yevstratiy, a spokespers­on for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, said in an interview in the St. Michael’s Golden Domed Monastery in Kyiv.

Outside military analysts have seen reason for Ukraine’s concern. The church of the Moscow Patriarcha­te “materially supported Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Eastern Ukraine,” the Institute for the Study of War, a US-based analytical group, wrote in a research note on the role of the Russian-affiliated church in the war.

Ukrainian officials say that priests and monks — or people posing as them — who are also spies have caused problems for Ukraine’s military. At one monastery north of Kyiv this month, authoritie­s said they found six men in monks’ robes — all of whom were athletical­ly built, spoke Russian but no Ukrainian, and had no documents. Police arrested the men and are investigat­ing whether they are spies.

“Being a priest is ideal cover for any intelligen­ce agent,” said a Ukrainian intelligen­ce official knowledgea­ble about the investigat­ion of the Russian-aligned church, but who was not authorized to speak publicly. “People are ready to trust you, because you are a priest.”

 ?? LAURA BOUSHNAK/NEW YORK TIMES ?? The Monastery of the Caves, where the Russian Orthodox Church has a house of worship.
LAURA BOUSHNAK/NEW YORK TIMES The Monastery of the Caves, where the Russian Orthodox Church has a house of worship.

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