Boston Sunday Globe

Democrats blast Texas ruling; most Republican­s silent

Outrage, appeal follow decision on abortion drug

- By Tyler Pager and Hannah Knowles

Democrats warned Saturday of the repercussi­ons of a federal judge’s decision to suspend the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s approval of a key abortion medication, as they assailed Republican­s’ support for restrictin­g access to abortions and predicted political fallout.

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, called the decision ‘‘awful, extreme, and unpreceden­ted,’’ and Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, said it was ‘‘the result of a decades-long effort by Republican­s to ban abortion in every part of this country any way they can.’’ Senator John Fetterman, Democrat of Pennsylvan­ia, said in a statement that the ruling was ‘‘simply bull[expletive].”

The outrage from Democrats began Friday night in the immediate aftermath of the decision by Texas-based US District Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, and they vowed to take any steps they could to protect access to mifepristo­ne, the medication used in more than half of all abortions in the United States.

Republican­s, meanwhile, have remained largely silent.

The split screen of reactions reflects how much the politics around abortion has transforme­d in the past year since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Strategist­s in both parties believe that anger over abortion bans helped sink Republican­s in critical races in the midterms, and Democrats are making the issue central to their attacks on declared and potential candidates for the GOP presidenti­al nomination in 2024.

‘‘Republican­s are completely out of step,’’ said Emmy Ruiz, the White House director of political strategy. ‘‘It is not just what they say. It is what they do, and they have not stopped fighting to take away rights from women.’’

The long-term status of Americans’ access to mifepristo­ne remains unclear. The Texas decision does not go into effect for seven days, and a judge in Washington state ordered the FDA to preserve the ‘‘status quo.’’ He ruled in a competing opinion late Friday that the drug is safe and effective.

But in the political positionin­g on the issue, Democrats are eager to place abortion rights at the center of their campaigns, while Republican­s remain divided over how much to lean into an issue that has galvanized some of their voters for decades.

‘‘It guarantees that abortion is going to be on the ballot again in 2024,’’ Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster, said of the Texas decision. ‘‘There had been some people that said it would die down after 2022, but this will reenergize the pro-choice side.’’

Lake predicted that trend would continue to help Democrats as abortion restrictio­ns have led to increased turnout from younger women and suburban women, who have increasing­ly backed Democrats since Roe was overturned.

Schumer said Republican­s’ silence on the decision stems from their recognitio­n that abortion restrictio­ns are unpopular with a broad swath of Americans, including Republican­s.

‘‘They’re afraid to speak out, but that is outrageous,’’ he told reporters Saturday on a call with Murray about the ruling. ‘‘They are letting the MAGA extreme wing of their party and the MAGA extreme wing of the rightwing movements run the whole show. And they have an obligation to speak out or they are complicit in taking away mifepristo­ne from tens of millions of Americans. Plain and simple.’’

A poll from the Marquette University Law School last month found that 67 percent of Americans opposed the high court’s decision to overturn Roe, while 33 percent were in favor.

Former vice president Mike Pence, who is considerin­g a presidenti­al run, stood out among Republican­s on Friday night for his quick praise of the abortion pill ruling.

‘‘Life won again today,’’ he said in a statement, accusing the FDA of acting ‘‘carelessly and with blatant disregard for human life’’ in approving mifepristo­ne in 2000.

But former president Donald Trump, who helped pave the way to overturnin­g Roe with his Supreme Court appointmen­ts, did not weigh in. Trump angered some antiaborti­on activists early this year when he declared on Truth Social: ‘‘It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republican­s, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions . . . that lost large numbers of Voters.’’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is gearing up for a presidenti­al run and who polls second behind Trump among Republican primary voters, has also been quiet on the ruling and the broader issue of abortion. But he could find the topic increasing­ly hard to sidestep: He is expected to sign a bill making its way through the Florida legislatur­e that would ban most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

The six-week limit — which would restrict abortions before many realize they are pregnant — goes further than a 15-week ban that DeSantis signed last year. It will give DeSantis one more legislativ­e victory to promote in a presidenti­al primary, but some Republican­s worry it could come back to haunt him and other GOP candidates in a general election.

Laural Wilson, an independen­t voter in Tallahasse­e who has backed Republican­s in recent years, welcomed restrictio­ns on abortion, including Florida’s proposed ban. She believes life begins at conception. But, she said, abortion is not major driver of her vote, and she was most concerned with preventing later-term abortions. Mifepristo­ne is administer­ed in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Nearby, Lorraine Carter was dismayed at both the Texas ruling and the impending six-week ban in Florida.

‘Abortion is going to be on the ballot again in 2024 . . . . Some . . . said it would die down after 2022, but this will reenergize the pro-choice side.’

CELINDA LAKE, pollster

‘‘They want to meddle in females’ business, and what we should do in our body — leave it the hell alone,’’ said Carter, a Democrat, predicting that Republican­s would pay for their stances on abortion in 2024.

Republican­s’ anxieties ratcheted up this past week after Democrats took control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Tuesday, with Janet Protasiewi­cz, who was backed by the Democratic Party, winning by 11 percentage points in a swing state where the fall of Roe paved the way for a near-total ban on abortion. Protasiewi­cz made abortion rights central to her message, and she is expected to help the court reverse the ban.

Even voters in traditiona­lly conservati­ve states have rejected efforts to roll back abortion rights. In August, voters in Kansas blocked an effort that would have stripped abortion protection­s from the state constituti­on, and in November, voters in Kentucky rejected a measure that would have amended the state’s constituti­on to explicitly say it does not protect abortion rights.

Inside the White House, officials had been preparing for weeks for the decision, and lawyers pored over the ruling Friday night as the Justice Department quickly filed an appeal.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the decision in Texas ‘‘overturns the FDA’s expert judgment, rendered over two decades ago, that mifepristo­ne is safe and effective. The Department will continue to defend the FDA’s decision.’’

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