Boston Sunday Globe

Pro-Kremlin writer hurt in car blast

Suspect admits to connection with Ukraine

- By Dasha Litvinova

TALLINN, Estonia — Russia's top investigat­ive agency on Saturday said the suspect in a car bombing that injured a prominent pro-Kremlin novelist and killed his driver has admitted acting at the behest of Ukraine's special services.

The blast that hit the car of Zakhar Prilepin, a well-known nationalis­t writer and an ardent supporter of Russia's war in Ukraine, was the third explosion involving prominent pro-Kremlin figures since the start of the conflict.

It took place in the region of Nizhny Novgorod, about 250 miles east of Moscow. Prilepin was hospitaliz­ed with broken bones, bruised lungs, and other injuries; the regional governor said he had been put into a “medical sleep,” but did not elaborate.

Russia's Investigat­ive Committee said the suspect was a Ukrainian native and had admitted under questionin­g that he was working under orders from Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministry in turn blamed not only Ukraine but the United States as well.

“Responsibi­lity for this and other terrorist acts lies not only with the Ukrainian authoritie­s, but with their Western patrons, in the first place, the United States, who since the coup d’etat of February 2014 have painstakin­gly nurtured the anti-Russian neo-Nazi project in Ukraine,” the ministry said, referring to the 2014 uprising in Kyiv that forced the Russia-friendly president to flee.

In August 2022, a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow killed Daria Dugina, the daughter of an influentia­l Russian political theorist often referred to as “Putin's brain.” The authoritie­s alleged that Ukraine was behind the blast.

Last month, an explosion in a cafe in St. Petersburg killed a popular military blogger, Vladlen Tatarsky. Officials once again blamed Ukrainian intelligen­ce agencies.

Russian news outlet RBC reported, citing unnamed sources, that Prilepin was traveling back to Moscow on Saturday from Ukraine’s partially occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions and stopped in the Nizhny Novogorod region for a meal.

Prilepin became a supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014, after Putin illegally annexed the Crimean peninsula. He was involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine on the side of Russian-backed separatist­s. Last year, he was sanctioned by the European Union for his support of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

In 2020, he founded a political party, For the Truth, which Russian media reported was backed by the Kremlin. A year later, Prilepin's party merged with the nationalis­t A Just Russia party that has seats in the parliament.

A co-chair of the newly formed party, Prilepin won a seat in the State Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, in the 2021 election, but gave it up.

Party leader Sergei Mironov called the attack on Saturday “a terrorist act” and blamed Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials haven't commented directly on the allegation­s. However, Ukraine's presidenti­al adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, in a tweet on Saturday, appeared to point the finger at the Kremlin, saying that “to prolong the agony of Putin’s clan and maintain the illusionar­y ‘total control,’ the Russian repression machine picks up the pace and catches up with everyone,” including supporters of the Ukraine war.

 ?? RUSSIAN INVESTIGAT­IVE COMMITTEE VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Writer Zakhar Prilepin (below) was seriously injured Saturday in a car explosion in Russia.
RUSSIAN INVESTIGAT­IVE COMMITTEE VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS Writer Zakhar Prilepin (below) was seriously injured Saturday in a car explosion in Russia.

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