Boston Sunday Globe

Curtain Call


- — Compiled by Melissa Schorr



Rowan I was afraid I’d be late, so I ended up about half an hour early and impulse-bought a purse at Primark to hold my things. Can’t be a bad night if I end up with a cute new purse, right? Robbie I just went about my day, played tennis. Rowan My first thought was he’s got nice hair! I thought he was pretty cute and we were equally dressed up, although I realized after the date that he was wearing shorts and a dress shirt, which is kind of a silly look. It was warm in the restaurant, so I can’t say I’d do any different. Robbie She has a pretty face! I liked her pretty eyes.


Rowan We talked about a lot of things and the conversati­on flowed well. I learned a great deal about him, and we talked about a few things we had in common (high school theater). Robbie We talked about anything that came to mind. A lot of basic questions but we also had some very personal conversati­ons about ourselves. I told her about my high school theater experience and how it was a very defining memory in my life. I played Jean Valjean in my school’s production of Les Misérables, and she played Cosette in hers! We seemed to just have the same sort of energy. I felt our conversati­on flowed very well because of how our energy fed off of each other.

Rowan The service was attentive. The music was really loud. I had mac and cheese with truffle oil.

Robbie I ordered lamb chops with mashed potatoes. We ordered a hummus plate with pita chips as an appetizer. The hummus was great.


Rowan He told me he was going back to school — potentiall­y where I just graduated from, which puts us at pretty different places in life, even though we’re the same age. Robbie I got more comfortabl­e as the date went on. Toward the end I felt like I liked her. She’s a really nice person and fun. Rowan I left knowing a lot about him, from medical conditions to how he prom-posed to a girl in high school. After the date, I realized I hadn’t told him very much about myself. Robbie She was like, “Should we get going?” and I said, “I guess!” Rowan He actually asked me to “go with him to prom.” I had no idea what he was talking about, but he clarified that it would be a regular date just between the two of us. I laughed and said sure. Robbie We gave each other good night hugs, and exchanged numbers. We also texted more that night.


Rowan We definitely did laugh at each other’s jokes a lot, which is a good sign. He was a really nice guy and I will go on a second date with him, but I’m not sure this could work long term. I’m not looking to stay in Boston much longer. Robbie Yes! We have both discussed it. I’m sick right now so I haven’t pushed to set a time or date yet.


Rowan / B+ Robbie / A+

 ?? ?? ROBBIE GOLD 23 / AI researcher/ student WHAT MAKES HIM A CATCH
He has five artificial intelligen­ce research papers published from his work at MIT. HIS HOBBIES
Singing, playing piano, acting
ROBBIE GOLD 23 / AI researcher/ student WHAT MAKES HIM A CATCH He has five artificial intelligen­ce research papers published from his work at MIT. HIS HOBBIES Singing, playing piano, acting
 ?? ?? ROWAN VAN LARE 23 / recent grad/bartender WHEN SHE IS HAPPIEST
Watching bad movies with friends WHAT MAKES HER A CATCH
She’s confident and funny.
ROWAN VAN LARE 23 / recent grad/bartender WHEN SHE IS HAPPIEST Watching bad movies with friends WHAT MAKES HER A CATCH She’s confident and funny.

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