Boston Sunday Globe

Patrick Monahan of Train

talks about his wife, Italy, and crystals from Sedona


As cofounder and lead singer of Train, Patrick Monahan has spent the past nearly 30 years performing around the world. But the Erie, Pa., native said he is always excited to play at Tanglewood in the Berkshires — where he will be with Train on Aug. 24 — because, he said, “not only is it an awesome venue, but I’m such a big James Taylor fan and I know that it’s part of his history and what he continues to do. It’s just always cool to be kind of in the presence of greatness.” Monahan said his band, known for hits including “Hey Soul Sister,” “Calling All Angels,” and “Drops of Jupiter,” will play the popular songs that fans want to hear, as well as some new material at the Tanglewood performanc­e. “We’ve got some good visuals, too,” he said. “It’s no Taylor Swift concert, but it’s still going to be fun.” While he keeps busy touring, writing songs for movie soundtrack­s, and performing with other musicians, Monahan is also delving into the world of musicals and is working on one right now that he hopes will be performed off-Broadway in 2024. We caught up with Monahan, a father of four who lives in a Seattle suburb with his wife, Amber, and their two children, ages 11 and 14, to talk about all things travel.

If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

I would go to Italy with my family. I would bring my friends and extended family, and I would throw a party in a castle in Tuscany — a castle that my wife and two little kids and I visited a few years ago. It is absolutely incredible.

Where was the first place you traveled to after COVID restrictio­ns were lifted?

Actually, it was Italy. I went to Rome and Tuscany. We went and saw the leaning tower of Pisa and had an incredible time. Oh, and we went to Lake Como, too, and that is exceptiona­lly amazing.

Do you prefer booking trips through a travel agent or on your own?

Definitely a travel agent. If I had to book things by myself, we would never go anywhere.

Thoughts on an “unplugged” vacation?

I’m not sure what that means. I think it means going on vacation and not having your phone or anything. I love the idea. I try to put my phone down now more than ever, so I’m all about an unplugged anything.

Do you use all of your vacation time or leave some on the table?

I try to use it all. Whether it’s even just at home, taking in the great things that where I live has to offer and the people that surround me, to being able to travel the world and see different things. I try to take great advantage of all those things.

What has been your worst vacation experience?

Well, that’s hard to say. I mean, I plan ahead so much that there aren’t many bad ones. I did travel when I got engaged to my wife. I had to do a writing session for Tina Turner in London. She went with me, and then afterward we went to Italy, to Portofino, and I got engaged there. It was exceptiona­l and beautiful, but the bus ride … they canceled my flight from Rome to Portofino or something like that. Maybe it was Milan … Milan to Portofino. I had to take a bus, and that was brutal. That was the only bad part of any vacation that I can think of actually.

Do you vacation to relax, to learn, or for the adventure of it all?

All of it. You know, I like to vacation and when I go to Hawaii, I learn about the local Hawaiian people and culture. When I go to Italy, I love to learn more about the language and the food and the environmen­t and how it became the way it is. When I go to do some meditation in Sedona, Arizona, I really dig into that whole culture as well.

What book do you plan on bringing with you to read on your next vacation?

Actually, I have a book right here that I plan on reading, and it is called “Tenth of December” by George Saunders, so I’m going to dig into that pretty soon.

If you could travel with one famous person/celebrity, who would it be?

My wife. I can’t think of a famous celebrity that I would want to travel with other than my wife. However, there are some actors that I love. Ken Jeong is a good friend of mine; I wouldn’t mind being out anywhere with him. He is wonderful. And Jason Sudeikis, who plays Ted Lasso … I think he would be a lot of fun to hang out with.

What is the best gift to give a traveler?

I like the mini-Bose speaker because I can hook it up to an iPad, so my wife and I can catch up on Netflix anywhere. I think it’s a great little thing to have in your bag.

What is your go-to snack for a flight or a road trip?

That’s an excellent question. Chomps Turkey

Sticks and gluten-free raspberry fig bars.

What is the coolest souvenir you’ve picked up on a vacation?

A crystal in Sedona. I’m big into crystals and Sedona.

What is your favorite app/website for travel?

Well, the one that I go to most is called FlightView, so I can find out where my gate is, and it keeps track of where my flight is at all times.

What has travel taught you?

I think travel, honestly, has taught me how to have a broader mind about people’s cultures and the way the people in each country manage their lives. I learn a lot through it, and it has taught me a great deal about humanity. Travel is a great gift to give someone. If you come from a little place like Erie, Pennsylvan­ia, I think it does nothing but good for you to get out and see how the rest of the world behaves and eats and functions. You can learn a lot and get a lot smarter, I think.

What is your best travel tip?

You know, I guess my best travel tip would be to let the native people of the country you are visiting take care of you. If they want to bring you a cup of tea that you don’t normally have or a glass of wine or something to eat, try it. You might learn a lot more about your own palate and also that engages conversati­on and a potential future relationsh­ip.


 ?? ?? Patrick Monahan and his wife, Amber, on Lake Como in Italy.
Patrick Monahan and his wife, Amber, on Lake Como in Italy.

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