Boston Sunday Globe

Late Arrival


- — Compiled by Melissa Schorr



Bhushan When I got to the MBTA station, I knew I was going to be late. I thought, Oh no, she is going to hate me, because I had already tried to reschedule and she was not happy with that, so I knew I wasn’t making a good first Impression. I jogged from the station.

Janice I wasn’t super-excited because of the pre-communicat­ion about changing plans. So I went for casual, simple [look]. He was late to the reservatio­n. I was about to leave and someone called my name.

Bhushan I got a sense that she was annoyed. I thought she was cute, but honestly I was flustered from my run.

Janice I wanted to be open-minded and give him a chance to explain. He actually ran to the restaurant! He has nice, dark eyes and beautiful hair.


Bhushan She talked about life after grad school, and we talked about immigratio­n, dating, and more.

Janice We talked about dating, work, 20s life and struggles, hobbies, dream job/goals, and experience in Boston as an internatio­nal/immigrant. It was so much better than small talk. The conversati­on demonstrat­ed his personalit­y and character.

Bhushan We talked about the kind of people on dating apps who annoyed us, and that was a fun time.

Janice We came to the conclusion that dating apps ruin our brains and treat dating as a grocery shopping experience, and do not help us develop real connection­s.

Bhushan I ordered pasta with chicken. The leftovers lasted me two more meals. The food and service were a 10 out of 10.

Janice I got beet salad and a North End Smash (cocktail).

Bhushan It felt like an easy friendship that could turn into something more. We weren’t overtly flirting but I think we liked this friendly-flirty vibe.

Janice He’s attractive. When he looked into my eyes when I talked, I found that attractive, and being able to talk about the valuable side of our lives is sexy too. But, sadly, I don’t feel the sparks. I [find] it hard to date someone in different life stages (student vs. working profession­al).


Bhushan We went for more drinks. I suggested it. Even though it had been two hours, it felt like the time had flown by. We tried a few bars and it seemed to be Bad Karaoke Night at every one, but we found a spot.

Janice I was not opposed to the idea — I was just tired at that point. I wasn’t feeling alcohol so I drank water.

Bhushan We walked to the T. I told her I’d like to go on another date, and she said something along the lines of wanting to be friends. I laughed and said, “Wow, way to shoot me down” or something stupid like that.

Janice I said that I am down to be friends. It was a bit awkward but we kept it on a positive note.


Bhushan I’d like to, and I think we will!

Janice I would like to see him some time as friends.


Bhushan / B+

Janice / B+ (for being late; A overall)

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