Boston Sunday Globe

Gabrielle McClinton

on landing her dream role, the magic of Ireland, and those Trader Joe’s nut packs


She’s performed on Broadway, on several national tours, and in regional theater, but there is something about Gabrielle McClinton’s current role as Satine in the national touring production of the Tony Award-winning “Moulin Rouge! The Musical” — coming to the Citizens Bank Opera House Jan. 16– Feb. 4 — that has resonated deeply with her. “I’m not going to lie; it’s definitely my dream role,” McClinton said in a recent phone call from a tour stop in Columbus, Ohio. “I’ve never felt so connected to a role. Satine is complex and what you see is the full spectrum of what it is to be human.” The 34year-old Los Angeles native said that playing this part is “really stretching me as a person and as an artist” and while it’s “very hard, it’s also very cathartic. … It’s not easy to be vulnerable every night, but it’s worth it.” McClinton said she believes that all audience members can relate, on some level, with what the characters in “Moulin Rouge! The Musical” are feeling and experienci­ng. “The ideals are truth, beauty, freedom, and love. I think every human can connect with at least one of those things,” she said. “We touch on an entire range of human emotions.” We caught up with McClinton, who lives in Brooklyn, to talk about all things travel.

If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

Ireland. The lush landscape and Celtic wisdom represent all that I love: Nature and spirituali­ty.

Where was the first place you traveled to after COVID restrictio­ns were lifted?

I believe it was Los Angeles. It was my chance to see all of my friends whom I hadn’t seen in years.

Do you prefer booking trips through a travel agent or on your own?

I’ve always booked trips on my own, but I’m ready to hand that over to a travel agent now.

Thoughts on an “unplugged” vacation?

My favorite. I’m not glued to my phone, so the idea of being able to turn it off is heaven to me.

Do you use all of your vacation time or leave some on the table?

Use it all.

What has been your worst vacation experience?

Probably the ones when I wasn’t present enough to enjoy it.

Do you vacation to relax, to learn, or for the adventure of it all?

All of the above.

What book do you plan on bringing with you to read on your next vacation?

Barbra Streisand’s memoir, “My Name Is Barbra.”

If you could travel with one famous person/ celebrity, who would it be?

Bradley Cooper. He’s one of my favorite actors, and I love his mind. He’s endlessly curious, and I feel that would make for an extraordin­ary vacation. Hit me up!

What is the best gift to give a traveler?

Hand sanitizer and probably some cash.

What is your go-to snack for a flight or a road trip?

Trader Joe’s has these amazing nut packs that consist of various nuts, cranberrie­s, and dark chocolate. You get everything you need.

What is the coolest souvenir you’ve picked up on a vacation?

I have this incredible blanket from this design store in Amsterdam that I use to this very day.

What is your favorite app/website for travel?

Google Flights? There must be something better …

What has travel taught you?

To stay open and go with the flow. Connect with people different from you. Learn them and allow them to learn you.

What is your best travel tip?

Stay present for it. No stress. … Whatever is meant to happen, will happen.

 ?? ?? Gabrielle McClinton on vacation at Byron Bay, Australia, in 2021.
Gabrielle McClinton on vacation at Byron Bay, Australia, in 2021.

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