Boston Sunday Globe

The offense that Weinstein can never be convicted of

In industry run by men, women robbed of careers

- By Jodi Kantor

For the first time in years, there is a chance that Harvey Weinstein could walk free.

His New York conviction for sex crimes was overturned Thursday. Manhattan’s district attorney says he wants to retry Weinstein, but that seems, at most, a maybe. The former film producer still has a long sentence to serve in Los Angeles, although next month he is expected to appeal that conviction on grounds similar to those that were successful in New York. His lawyer is the same one who got Bill Cosby’s conviction tossed out.

Many of Weinstein’s accusers say they are horrified. Even some of the seven judges who participat­ed in the decision were outraged. The majority — ruling that his trial was unfair because it introduced witnesses separate from the central charges — prevailed by a single vote, 4-3. The dissenting judges described that decision as “oblivious,” “naive” and “endangerin­g decades of progress.” They have joined a roiling debate about what the standard of evidence in sex crimes trials should be.

But criminal conviction­s have never seemed like the ultimate measure of Weinstein’s behavior. Whether he remains a felon or not, he can never be tried for the most overarchin­g offense he is accused of.

That is because, at its core, the Weinstein story — along with its greatest impact — is all about work.

“A lot of these stories are about what’s been lost careerwise, and there’s no criminal remedy that is going to get at that,” Deborah Tuerkheime­r, a law professor at Northweste­rn University, said in an interview.

Back when Weinstein was at the height of his power, he had many gifts as a producer. But where he stood above others was in his ability to make careers. He hired and molded Matt Damon, Michelle Williams, Jennifer Lawrence, Quentin Tarantino, and some of the most successful producers working today. He invented the Oscar campaign as we know it. At those awards, he was thanked more often than God.

Behind the scenes, he was summoning that career-shaping power in the darkest way, according to his accusers. The nearly 100 allegation­s about Weinstein range in severity from harassment to rape. But almost all those stories follow the same plot: Whether they were actors or assistants, the women were mostly young. Some were in their first month, or even day, on the job. Laura Madden was a novice assistant on Irish movie sets. Rowena Chiu had directed plays at Oxford University. They and many others wanted to work, to contribute, to secure a piece of the action in a mostly male-run business.

Weinstein is accused of luring them and many others with a standard script that promised a career payoff. Come to my hotel room to talk about how we can throw you an Oscar campaign, Judith Godrèche said he told her. Join me to review this newly shot footage, Sophie Dix recalled him saying.

Over the years, he appears to have honed the pressure even further, deploying one woman’s name to push the next. Although Gwyneth Paltrow spurned his advances, some women say he goaded them by claiming that she and other stars had said yes, that they had only won their roles and Oscars by sleeping with him. By their descriptio­n, it was a system of turning women’s aspiration­s and achievemen­ts against them. Work was also the reason many stayed silent for years: They feared that speaking out would mean ruin.

Years later, many Weinstein accusers have told of the pain they experience­d over physical violations. But they have also aired grief over career losses. Many of the women are middleaged now. They point out that there are no do-overs in their work lives. That without Weinstein, they might have achieved more; they can never get those years and possibilit­ies back.

Caitlin Dulany, a 60-year-old actor, said in an interview that memories of her encounter with Weinstein — he offered career help and shocked her by taking his clothes off, she has said — are “100 percent mixed up in the loss that I feel career-wise.”

This is the part of the Weinstein story that no criminal court is likely to come close to addressing. Sexual harassment is illegal, but it’s not a criminal offense, and the laws and system that combat it are generally weak. The criminal justice system isn’t built to remedy the destructio­n of someone’s career options or ambitions. Women have pursued civil suits against the producer, but many were bundled into one big case that left them waiting in line with other parties owed money by The Weinstein Co. Compared with the payouts for, say, Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, the remunerati­on has been spotty.

But while the centrality of work to the Weinstein story has made accountabi­lity difficult, it has also endowed the saga with some of its special moral force and helped cohere a powerful new consensus on workplace standards.

Not long ago, a little sexual harassment here and there in the workplace — or sometimes a lot — was often tolerated. Now, it’s far less common to see that behavior rationaliz­ed or accepted. In the past seven years, laws about sexual misconduct — strengthen­ing worker protection­s, limiting secret settlement­s, and making it easier to bring claims — have been passed in nearly half the states in the nation.

“The norms have changed,” Tuerkheime­r said. “It’s not that there aren’t transgress­ions, but the baseline has been reset.”

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS/FILE 2020 ?? Harvey Weinstein, seen outside a Manhattan courthouse in 2020, will again appear in a New York City court on Wednesday.
JOHN MINCHILLO/ASSOCIATED PRESS/FILE 2020 Harvey Weinstein, seen outside a Manhattan courthouse in 2020, will again appear in a New York City court on Wednesday.

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