Boston Sunday Globe

Like Cats and Dogs


- — Compiled by Melissa Schorr



Nate I had been feeling burnt out on dating apps so I wanted to give something else a try.

Jim Some friends had done Cupid, so I thought it was my turn.

Nate I showered, picked out my outfit, and got in my car to drive over.

Jim As always before eating anywhere, I researched the menu.

Nate I was scanning the room when I saw a guy on the other side. We made eye contact and I mouthed “Jim?” He said yes.

Jim The host actually sat us at two different tables. After a minute or so, he walked over to join me.

Nate He was handsome and well put together. He was wearing a cute floral shirt.

Jim My first thought was how tall he was. I’m about 6-foot-1 and he is more or less the same height.


Nate He works in social work, which I thought was cool. We chatted about our favorite artists, where we like to travel, and concerts that we have upcoming.

Jim Nate is a transplant from the West Coast. Nate has a dream of opening his own bar and is part of an a cappella singing group! I could tell right away he was a sociable guy.

Nate We split the chips and queso as an app and I ordered a burrito bowl. The food and drink was good.

Jim We ordered margaritas, passion fruit for me and a regular for him.

Nate I have a cat and she has had a bad experience with dogs. So that was a little warning sign, but nothing egregious.

Jim We both have pets, I have a dog and cat, and he has a cat.

Nate We found out quickly that we both play in queer sports leagues. However, he happened to be in the one league that I have never tried — which is funny since the queer sports leagues in Boston are a very small world. He used to play dodgeball and kickball, but now only does bowling. And I currently play kickball, dodgeball, football, and softball.

Jim We are in different leagues, so had never crossed paths before.

Nate I’m a pretty bubbly person, so it doesn’t take much for me to feel comfortabl­e talking to someone new. It felt like I was getting to know a new friend.

Jim I don’t think there was any romantic chemistry but I think we clicked enough for a possible friendship.


Nate By the time I was mostly through my last drink, we were running out of things to chat about.

Jim We both expressed that we were ready to head home. We exchanged numbers and hugged.


Nate I don’t think so. I think I’d be friendly if I saw him out and about, but I just didn’t feel too much of a connection.

Jim I would be interested in hanging out in the future as friends, catching a concert or something.


Nate / B

Jim / B+

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