Breast Cancer Awareness

Breakthrou­ghs in imaging technologi­es can help fight cancer


Doctors and patients have many different tools available in the war against cancer. Imaging is one of the essential resources used in such battles. Imaging helps screen and diagnose cancer and can be used to guide treatments and determine the efficacy of various therapies. Therefore, advancemen­ts in imaging can have profound effects on the ability to manage — and hopefully in the future — prevent or cure the disease.

The goal of cancer imaging is to detect the smallest possible number of tumor cells at the earliest possible time. Traditiona­lly, X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, single-photon emission computed tomography, and positron emission tomography have been utilized as key cancer imaging techniques. These technologi­es are being studied and advancing.

Imaging probes are one area of imaging worthy of attention. The Center for Probe Developmen­t and Commercial­ization, a supplier of radiopharm­aceuticals, is developing the next generation of molecular imaging probes. They are designed to detect responses to chemothera­py in breast cancer patients. CPDC also has started to manufactur­e another probe designed to identify hypoxic tumors. These probes work on a molecular level, according to data published in 2013 in the Internatio­nal Journal of Biomedical Imaging. Molecular imaging has the potential to greatly enhance understand­ing of various cancers.

Another cancer imaging and evaluation tool that is being produced and tested is called the Masspec Pen, which enables a controlled and automated delivery of a water droplet to a tissue surface during tumor surgery or diagnostic exploratio­n to extract biomolecul­es. The sample taken can immediatel­y tell if cancer cells are present and distinguis­h tu

mors from healthy tissue.

Imaging has merged nanotechno­logy and convention­al imaging tools with new developmen­ts. These technologi­es are still in the testing phase. Novel diagnostic probes with nanopartic­les can improve imaging results. A 2018 review paper published in the Journal of Controlled Release looked at how nanotechno­logy could improve the imaging and treatment of lung cancer.

For example, gold nanopartic­les work better than iodine-based agents for CT imaging. Similarly, superparam­agnetic iron-oxide nanopartic­les can be utilized with MRI for the ultra-sensitive reactions they produce.

Other imaging technologi­es in the works involve combining and improving the workflow of various methodolog­ies. Philips Medical Systems’ Ingenia MR-RT Oncology Configurat­ion is a comprehens­ive solution that allows radiation oncology department­s to integrate MRI into their computed tomography-based radiation treatment planning.

In addition to the imaging evolution itself, researcher­s have realized the limitation­s of human eye to discern abnormalit­ies or small changes from images collected. Therefore, technologi­cal advancemen­ts are enabling artificial intelligen­ce to look for key signs in images and correlate changes to the aggressive­ness of the disease.

This can improve treatment success rates and reduce the chances for human oversight.

Imaging plays a key role in cancer diagnoses and therapies. Improving cancer imaging can improve treatment plans now and in the future.

 ?? METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION PHOTO ?? Advancemen­ts in imaging can have profound effects on the ability to manage — and hopefully in the future — prevent or cure cancer.
METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION PHOTO Advancemen­ts in imaging can have profound effects on the ability to manage — and hopefully in the future — prevent or cure cancer.
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