Burlington Free Press

Any fruit is good for your diet

- Kiwis Grapefruit­s Plums Papayas

contain high amounts of vitamins C, E and fiber. You’ll also get an enzyme called actinidin, which helps digestion, and lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidan­ts that benefit eye health.

Fruit can help combat the afternoon slump better than reaching for another cup of coffee. Because natural sugar is a healthy source of energy, pairing fruit with protein will give you a similar boost.

Crumble Smith does recommend caution for people with diabetes, insulin resistance or blood sugar issues. In that cas case, be mindful of portion size or try to pair your yo afternoon fruit with a protein, like yogurt yo or cheese.

Fruit smooth smoothies are an easy and accessible way to g get your daily fruit content.

Crumble Smith recommende­d recommen making them at home rather than

are a good source of vitamin C, which the body uses to form blood vessels, , cartilage, artilage, muscle and collagen in n the bones. Vitamin C also acts as an n antioxidan­t and helps the body absorb orb and store iron. Grapefruit­s also so contain vitamin A, which helps support upport eye health.

If you live in an area with access to fresh produce, any choice of fruit is a healthy one, whether your preference is apples, oranges, strawberri­es or grapefruit, registered dietitian Danielle Crumble Smith said. Each fruit has a unique nutritiona­l profile and benefits.

Afternoon boost

grabbing one from a smoothie bar or a pre-packaged drink from the store. If you’re going for bottled juice, read the nutritiona­l label thoroughly to check for added sugar content.

“All the concentrat­ed fruit tends to be really high in sugar and (doesn’t) have any protein to help stabilize blood sugar levels,” ” she told USA TODAY in 2023.

How much fruit should you eat per day?

ults. , enge.

The daily recommende­d fruit serving depends on several factors, including age, height, sex, weight and physical activity.

Generally, the USDA says adults should consume around 2 cups of fruit per day.

Here are some examples ples of what counts as a “cup” of fruit:

● 1 small apple

● 1 large banana

● 10 dates

● 22 seedless grapes

● 2-3 kiwis

● 1 large peach

● 3 medium plums

● 1 slice of watermelon

Pineapple packs in vitamins C, A, K, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. It’s rich in manganese and contains bromelain, an extract found in the fruit and stem of pineapples that has anti-inflammato­ry properties.

contain antioxidan­ts like anthocyani­ns and quercetin, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. They’re high in fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements. Plums are lower in sugar and have a low glycemic index, making them ideal for anyone with diabetes or insulin resistance or blood sugar dysregulat­ion.

contain vitamins C, A, E, folate, fiber and a high level of antioxidan­ts,

including lycopene.

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