Calhoun Times

The Bible's words to this generation

- Robert Ozment

“What, if anything,” asks the cynic, “does the Bible have to say to this generation?” Some of us look upon the Bible as a timeless book. Others see it as only a history book, still others feel it is obsolete and outmoded. It was written for people whose knowledge was limited. They suggest, “We have science, therefore we do not need the Bible.” I am certain of this, that when men do not practice the principles God gave to Moses and enlarged by the life of Christ, men return to the jungle.

Now, it would be folly of the first order to believe that a Bible with dust on it would change your life any more than a doctor’s prescripti­on left in the bottle would make you well. If you follow and practice the principles set forth in the Bible you will find your way through the complex avenues of life.

Someone wrote, “There are many things I cannot understand in the Bible; many things in the Bible I only think I understand; but there are many things I cannot misunderst­and in the Bible.” It has been my practice to accept gladly the parts of the Bible I can understand, and to never fret over ambiguous scriptures which are obscure. It doesn’t take a theologian to understand enough of the scripture to find his way from earth to heaven. The Bible warns a man to repent of his sins and turn to God. I can understand that. The Bible tells us we must forgive those who have wronged us, even as we seek God’s forgivenes­s. I can understand that. The Bible commands us to “love one another” and I can understand that.

For most of us we are not nearly so troubled over what we do not comprehend about the Bible as we are the points which we clearly understand. Someone said to me, “The only thing that seems to be permanent in our world is change.” We all agree that things do not stay the same. Often we long for the days when life seemed more simple and peaceful than the rushing pace we have set for ourselves now. Cities change. People who moved away from the city ten years ago and return today will not recognize the skyline.

Our minds change. We are amused today at what we believed last year. A textbook is practicall­y out of date by the time the printer cleans the press. Our bodies change. Cells which make up tissue begin to die almost as soon as they are born, to make room for new cells. Often the change is so gradual that we do not realize it. Take a look at a photograph that was made five or ten years ago!

Never before has the world changed so rapidly, widely or deeply. Never have so many problems loomed before us crying out for a solution We are trying to deal with inflation and depression all at the same time. We are on the battlefiel­d of life without a plan. Little wonder we know so much frustratio­n and futility.

God’s message given to us in the Bible must point the way through the confusion of our age. It must give direction. We must have some Christian conviction­s before we can be of much help. It matters which road you take. Jesus preached on the slopes of Galilee, “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destructio­n ... straight is the gate and narrow the way which leadeth unto life.” (Matthew 7:13,14). We have just about lost sight of the “straight gate and narrow way”. Too many people have cancelled the Ten Commandmen­ts and are trying to find their way through life without any rules other than to do as they please.

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