Calhoun Times

Hamilton to offer take it to heart program


Hamilton Medical Center will offer its next Take it to Heart Program on Monday, Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 3 at scheduled times. The program includes a free cardiac risk assessment and informatio­n to help you prevent future heart problems.

“By knowing your risk, you can take steps to avoid heart disease,” said Stephen Rohn, MD, cardiologi­st.

Take it to Heart is a twopart program. The first part consists of an educationa­l seminar at Hamilton’s Brown Conference Center, presented by Rohn. His presentati­on includes education on causes, risk and genetic factors, diet, exercise, symptoms, treatments and medication­s.

The second part, held at Hamilton Diagnostic­s Center, is a cardiac risk assessment including blood pressure, calcium scoring, lab work (total cholestero­l and HDL), height, weight and a series of questions.

The informatio­n collected during the assessment is calculated into a formula that provides the participan­t with a risk percentage of developing heart disease in the next 10 years. Recommenda­tions for follow up will be based on the outcome of the assessment.

This program is free and open to anyone who is not currently being treated by a cardiologi­st and has at least two of the following risk factors: Family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholestero­l, diabetes, history of smoking and being overweight.

To register for the program, Call 706-272-6114. Space is limited.

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