Calhoun Times

A Bible lesson on fractions


denominato­r of them. In other words, the bottom number has to be the same.

There are many miracles of healing recorded in the Bible. Some of these mentioned more than once, because different authors offered their accounts of them. Sick people were made whole. Lame people were made to walk. Blind people were made to see. Even dead people were raised. It’s important for us to give attention to each of these. There’s two things that I want to point out that seem to be common denominato­rs of them all.

First of all, the physical healing was never the real concern. Jesus had, and still has, love and compassion for everyone. In the passage where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it even said that Jesus wept for the family and friends. The real concern in miracles of healing was spiritual healing. We are all born blind to the disease of sin from which we suffer loss. We are all born lame spirituall­y, in that we are helpless, and can’t stop ourselves from sinning. The Bible even says that we were dead spirituall­y in Ephesians 2:1 where it reads, “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” I can’t relate physically to anyone who is blind, lame or dead, but I can relate to all of it spirituall­y. Not only is it for that reason that physical healing was secondary; but also because these physical bodies are only temporary. It’s very, very rare for one to last more than even ninety years. Wherever we go when we leave this life, be it Heaven or Hell, we’re going to have a body that lasts.

The second common denominato­r for the miraculous healings is the fact that none of the healed people stayed where they were. Jesus had told them all to “go.” Some went away to be healed, and some after they were healed. “Go and sin no more.” “Take up thy bed and walk.” “Your faith has made you whole.” These were all words of Christ, spoken to people who were healed. So what was the reason for spirituall­y healed people being told to “go”? It was simply for them to be witnesses unto Christ. Acts 1:8 reads, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth.” If you’ve been spirituall­y healed, the only reason you’re left on the planet is to be used of God in His plan of redemption.

Just like numerical fractions can be added, multiplied, and divided; God wants to use you to add disciples, multiply their joy, and divide their sorrows. You will do well to be used of Him. Be Blessed.

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