Calhoun Times

Tobi Says, Are you still smiling?


is always fun to open packages. It is still fun when you know what you are getting.

Or at least think that you know what you are getting.

It is fun visiting friends, and talking about the presents that you got. Do you compare gifts? That is not always a good thing to do. Sometimes there are hurt feelings. No one wants to hurt somebody’s feelings.

The f anciest presents are not always the best ones. The joke is that many little ones enjoy the box more than the present inside the box.

Sometimes that special thoughtful present means more than the flashy one. Do you appreciate it when someone goes to special means to make or get that just right present for you?

One young fellow asked for a particular present. He did not get it. But he got a better one that he did not think about.

God does that sometimes. He has a special job for you, that you will enjoy more than anything you could imagine. Other times He gives you much more than you asked for.

He does not do that for your good behavior. He does that as an I love you gift. He does not have to have a special reason.

Have you done that? You can do more than expected, just because. Who are you going to give an “I love you” gift? It does not have to be money or a gift. It could be a smile, a thank you, or that special hug.

You know what is special to that particular person. Some times a kind word to someone that is down or discourage­d, can make a big difference. Look around and watch for that opportunit­y. You will glad that you did.

I hope that you had a Merry Christmas. And I hope that you helped others have a Merry Christmas also.

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