Calhoun Times

Have you reached Superhero status?


normal. This one was kind of interestin­g to me, because of the superhero characters.

From an early, early age we begin to recognize superheroe­s. Ironically, as a child I always thought Aquaman was cool; even though I swim like a rock. Maybe I felt like I needed a superhero swimmer. My son is a Captain America fanatic. I couldn’t think of a fictional character that I’d rather him look up to.

In recent years, we as a nation have embraced the identity of those serving in our armed forces as heroes, and so we should. Other heroes we see in action every day; trained public service people such as law enforcemen­t, EMTs, and fireman. Then there are ordinary people like you and I, who find ourselves in position to really be of help to someone we may or may not know.

I believe we all have a real person in our lives that eventually become that superhero that we want to become more like, whether it’s a parent or a mentor. Many of us are blessed to have multiple superheroe­s. With all the evil in the world today, you can’t have too many.

What are superheroe­s? Superheroe­s are people who, first, have the supernatur­al ability to rise above insecuriti­es and face challenges in their lives. They ultimately are found to be victorious. More fulfilling, are the times when they help others to be victorious in their lives.

Where does the idea of superheroe­s come from? I believe it comes from scriptures, beginning in the Old Testament. David was a small shepherd, whom God made into a warrior. Joshua led his army to collapse the fortress walls of Jericho without drawing a weapon. Elijah stood against 450 prophets of Baal. Moses was a very insecure man with a speech impediment, which God chose to give orders to Pharaoh. Daniel spent the night in a den of lions, and lived to tell about it.

What’s the common denominato­r among all these biblical men? They all were given supernatur­al power from God, so that with them, good could win over evil.

Of course, the greatest, and first, hero would have to be Jesus Christ! He’s always been around. One of many names for Jesus is The Word. John 1: 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The beginning… that’s about as far back as you can go. Jesus wasn’t only the creator of the universe, but He’s also the master of it. And while, He has all power and authority, He humbled Himself to become one of us to defeat the enemy “Death” for us.

Lots of Superheroe­s save lives, but only one can give it. Be Blessed.

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