Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, Are you a Christian?


questions. You may have heard someone say, going to church does not make you a Christian any more than living in a garage makes you a car.

I have a friend that goes to church three times a week. He goes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to run. It may help him physically, but it does not do much for him spirituall­y.

You need to go to a church that teaches the Bible, as the Word of God, and also shares the gospel.

Some share the gospel, but crowd in so much other stuff that it is difficult to have time for Jesus. I have been in a class that talks so much about other things that they only have about ten minutes for the lesson. Reminds me of some of the garages that I have seen. You know the ones with all the stuff crammed in them. There are grills, tents, games and lots of boxes of just things. There is so much stuff that there is no room for the car. The owner says, “One day, I am going to clean this place.” It never seems to happen. Reminds me of some people. May even be some Christians or churches about their lives.

Now there are some garages that have everything in their place. They have shelves with things sorted out, and boards with hooks to hold all the tools. A visit to them, and you can find that jack to change that tire in minutes, or any other tool that you may need.

Some churches and Christians are like that. They can quickly show the right way. The purpose of the church is to fix the heart for salvation, to have your sins forgiven, or to help the Christian to get their heart right.

The goal is to learn, prepare and share the message of Jesus. So make sure that you are a Christian, and that your garage is cleaned out so that you rightly give an answer to that friend in need.

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