Calhoun Times

TOBI says, hey look up


A favorite saying is to tell someone to look up. The announcers were saying that the quarterbac­k s hould be looking up, meaning that they should be l ooking down field. And after a good play, you see the player point up.

The coaches always tell their runners to look up. They should be looking up or past the other runners, if they want to pass them. Runners looking down are slowing down and getting tired.

Hunters have to be looking up to see what is around quickly, or they will miss them. For safety now, you are told to look up when you are in a crowd.

Shoppers are always looking up to see a bargain. You do not want to miss that good sale.

People trying to encourage someone, always tell them to look up. They want them to keep working, so that things will be better. They do not want them to quit.

For a Christian to look up, means to look to God for the answer. Other people can help sometime, but Jesus is always with you.

Have you heard someone say, if all else fails, read the directions. The Christian knows that those directions are the Bible, and the true author, Jesus. He has the answer for any problem that you face. It might not be the answer that you want, but it will be the best answer.

So begin the New Year looking up. This will be a great year.

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