Calhoun Times



The Gordon County Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on August 12, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Gordon County Administra­tion Building, 201 N. Wall Street, Calhoun, GA. The Planning Commission will review an applicatio­n by Tony Temple requesting a Rezoning of property located at 1304 Hwy 41N, Calhoun, GA 30701. Land Lot(s) 132, District 14, Section 3, Gordon County, GA, from zoning district A-1, Agricultur­al District to zoning district C-H, Highway Commercial. Said property contains 1.269 acres.

The Gordon County Board of Commission­ers will hold a public hearing on August 20, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Gordon County Administra­tion Building, 201 N. Wall Street, Calhoun, GA to consider the recommenda­tion of the Planning Commission on the above mentioned applicatio­n and take Final Action thereon.

Anyone having an interest in the proposed action above is encouraged to attend these meetings. If one plans to oppose said SURSRVHG DFWLRQ RQH PXVW FRPSOHWH DQG ¿OH an Opponent of Rezoning Action Campaign Disclosure Report with the Gordon County Planning and Developmen­t Department at 200 South Wall Street, Calhoun , Georgia. If one has any questions regarding this applicatio­n they may contact the Planning and Developmen­t Department at 706-879

6DLG UHSRUW PXVW EH ¿OHG SULRU WR speaking before the Gordon County Planning Commission or Board of Commission­ers.

GORDON COUNTY Applicatio­n #Z19-13

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