Calhoun Times

What would you give?


How would you answer that question? When the preacher mentions giving, some people get upset with him. Those people think that the preacher is after something. But that is probably not the answer.

There are several ways to answer that question.

First answer most people think of is money. Some people give money very easily to a good cause. Others are much more slow to give to anything.

Sometimes you can see people standing on a corner asking for money. Sometimes it is for a social cause. Other times it is for a need that they have. Each person is free to give as they choose.

A teacher asked a class of boys, what they thought giving meant? John said it is like giving a gift. He did not mention money.

You may give a gift for many reasons. It could be for graduation, for a birthday, an anniversar­y, or just a special gift.

Another form of a gift is your time. You can do things like helping mom around volunteer for an organizati­on. Many of them are looking for people to help with projects.

You can give time at church. The teachers give of their time to study and prepare to share with a class. You can help clean up after a meeting. I am sure that someone there will find ways for you to help.

A great way to volunteer is to invite others to go to church with you. It takes your time to see them, and maybe to help them make it to church.

The way for you to give is up to you. But your work and time are important to someone, and to you.

 ??  ?? Tobi

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