Calhoun Times

July is Vacation Time!


Young people are happy when school is out and the summer vacation begins. They have all kinds of plans and expectatio­ns.

Mom and dad also enjoy vacation, and the time off from the routine and grind of work. They are ready to recharge and relax.

The vacation can be at the beach, the mountains, traveling to relatives, or a theme park.

Church has a vacation also. It is a time of a different kind of activity. It is called

VBS, vacation Bible school.

VBS is a special and fun time for all. The whole church comes together to celebrate. There are some special songs, snack time, some class time, a special missions time, some snack time, some activities, and a lesson time for each grade.

Some young people enjoy it so much, that they attend VBS at several churches. They join their friends and have a great time.

Enjoy your vacation, and be sure to visit one or several Vacation Bible schools this summer.

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