Calhoun Times

Is that a cat or a dog?

- Tobi

Can you tell a cat from a dog? I do not know anyone that would have a problem with doing that.

Even on the Pyramids, there are pictures of cats and dogs. They knew the difference back then.

Why does all this matter? Some people seem to have a problem in this area.

There are three groups of people. One group believes in God, and the Bible. Another group says that they believe in God, but are not sure about the whole Bible. The last group does not believe in God, or the Bible.

History separates these groups. The first group believes God created the world, and all the parts.

They believe cats were always cats, and dogs were always dogs.

The other groups believe there were new animals from the old ones. The problem is that history, and records of civilizati­ons do not show any of these happenings.

What does all this mean to you? The Bible says that God loves all people.

It also says that all have sinned. Sin is what causes all the trouble in the world. They believe everything fits when you believe this.

The other group does not believe in God. The question then is where did sin come from. If a cat and dog can be mixed, can animals and people be mixed? And is a man just an animal?

God says you are special. He made people to be different. You have a spirit and a soul. You can love and be loved.

God cares about you, and He wants you to believe in Him, and fellowship with him.

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