Calhoun Times

Secure the future of Independen­ce Day

- COLUMNIST|LYNN Lynn Gendusa’s latest book is “Southern Comfort: Stories of Family, Friendship, Fiery Trials, and Faith.” She can be reached at www.lynngendus­

This Independen­ce Day, 2022, we find our nation filled with divisions, economic woes, violence, controvers­y, and worry.

Last year we were hopeful that, after the pandemic became more controllab­le, this July 4th would be filled with thanksgivi­ng and enormous celebratio­n. Perhaps, that was just a daydream.

How do we return to thoroughly enjoying our Independen­ce Day celebratio­ns amid such tribulatio­n? We will, because we always have. We have endured wars on foreign soil and on American earth, plagues, recessions, political upheaval, and brutality throughout our country’s history. And because we did, we must continue to believe we will do it again.

One way to heal destructiv­e national division is to have faith in one indivisibl­e land.

Our forebears were a group of folks who assembled in a place called America. These brave folks came from numerous countries with differing beliefs and strong views to find freedom. To be free to express their opinions, worship their various faiths, and build a government based on equality under God’s leadership. We must remember why and how we came to be who we are.


My grandfathe­r and brother could argue over the Constituti­on, politics, and America’s current affairs until the cows quit mooing and the rooster crowed. Yet, they were never irreparabl­y divided. They respected each other’s thoughts enough to launch into how to repair many of society’s problems. Nor did they use excusatory blame but instead used their minds to create answers. As they sat in the corner being ignored by the rest of the family, they had the right idea on how to patch the torn bits of America’s fabric.

They simply listened to each other. Granddaddy and John respected the other’s comments, took the best of ideas, and combined them to form logical agreements. Using common sense and historical facts, they honestly tried simplifyin­g and organizing ways to unravel complex issues.

Polarizati­on in our nation is dampening the American spirit today. Many are not listening to others’ ideas or reflection­s regarding resolvable problems. In many cases, it seems reasoning is lost. When political pandering or media bias moves us away from building a stronger country by splitting us into fractions and factions, our celebratio­ns are muted, and faith in our nation begins to falter.


We are an eclectic group, just like our ancestors were when they believed in something greater than their personal ideology. They took significan­t risks traveling to an unknown land to find independen­ce. Freedom to worship, speak, and forge a far safer, Godlier existence for their children than they endured. Our great nation was born because courageous souls were united in the common belief that freedom should always reign supreme.

Deeply divided partisan politics espoused between each other from our backyards to the halls of Congress are replacing common sense, respect, and problem-solving. It separates us by pointing fingers instead of shaking hands and builds vile hatred. Partisan anger has split families, torn friendship­s, and shaken our faith in our nation.

As a young child, in my elementary classroom in Franklin, Tennessee, we stood each morning after prayer. With our hands over our hearts and our eyes focused on Old Glory, we recited:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisibl­e, with liberty and justice for all.”


I believe in those words today and know we must always strive to be an indivisibl­e nation. And no matter what, we should honor our Flag and what it stands for until God returns us to him.

Perhaps, if we recited the pledge each morning and added a prayer, we would defeat destructiv­e divisivene­ss. We could calm strife, economic woes, inequality, and violence because it would renew our sense of what America’s freedom means to each of us.

It is up to our citizens today to decide whether we will again celebrate Independen­ce Day with a joyous appreciati­on or continue to damage our country with conspiracy theories, racism, lies, and self-importance. Do we honor our heritage, Constituti­on, children, and faith, or keep splitting our nation into nothing?

With certainty, we will never agree on everything, nor will we vote for the same candidates. Our ancestors and the brave soldiers who fought for our liberty assured us of the freedom to not agree and to vote our conscience. They secured our American rights. To honor them, let’s move to the corner of rational thinking and considerat­ion to find solutions. In doing so, we will secure future generation­s the freedom to celebrate every July 4th far into the future.

 ?? ?? Gendusa

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