Calhoun Times

Destined to reign

- Bryan Davis is pastor of Encounter Church in Calhoun.

In the grand design of life, each of us is destined to reign. The calling of the Lord upon our lives is not one of defeat, poverty, and failure but rather success, abundance, and victory.

Regardless of our roles as businessme­n, homemakers, students, or seekers of new careers, we are anointed to excel in every area of life. This article will explore the empowering truth that we are destined to reign, thanks to the lordship of Jesus Christ. By embracing this truth, we gain authority over sin, darkness, depression, poverty, curses, and even illness.


When we acknowledg­e Jesus as the Lord of our lives, we step into a position of authority and power. By embracing our destiny to reign, we exercise dominion over the forces of evil and negativity. This means that we no longer have to be enslaved by sin, controlled by fear, or subject to the limitation­s imposed by the world. Instead, we can live a life of victory and freedom. When we accept our divine calling, we become overcomers, conquering every obstacle that comes our way.


Reigning in life allows us to overcome the challenges that we face. It means that we can rise above depression, poverty, and every curse that may try to hinder our progress. We are no longer victims but victors, equipped with the authority to resist and overcome the schemes of the enemy. By relying on the power of Jesus, we have an unshakable foundation that empowers us to face adversity with confidence and resilience. Through Him, we can walk in divine health, experience financial prosperity, and

find fulfillmen­t in every aspect of life.


As we embrace our destiny to reign, we discover that God desires to bless us abundantly. He wants our businesses to prosper, our homes to be filled with love and harmony, and our academic pursuits to thrive. Our success and prosperity are not manifestat­ions of selfish ambition but rather a reflection of God’s goodness and provision. When we align ourselves with His plans and purposes, we tap into His unlimited resources, enabling us to live a life marked by abundance and generosity towards others.


One of the most significan­t aspects of our destiny to reign is our authority over the enemy. Through Jesus, we have been given power over the devil and his tactics. We no longer need to fear his lies, temptation­s, or attacks. Instead, we can confidentl­y resist him and stand firm in our faith. The victory won on the cross empowers us to demolish the stronghold­s and strategies of the enemy. By understand­ing our authority in Christ, we can walk in freedom, knowing that we are shielded by His love and protected by His mighty hand.

Embracing our destiny to reign is not a declaratio­n of arrogance but an acknowledg­ment of the power and authority we possess as children of God. Through Jesus, we can overcome every hurdle, experience abundance, and live a life of victory.

Let us step into our divine calling and reign in every area of life, bringing glory to our Lord.

 ?? ?? Davis

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