Calhoun Times

Brown marmorated stink bug tips


With the colder weather, many folks in the area have issues with brown marmorated sting bugs invading homes and other structures.

Over the years, I have found this insect in my home, vehicles, garage and even found them in folding lawn chairs when arriving to outdoor fall sporting events. The brown marmorated stink bug can be more of a nuisance issue for the majority of people, but they also can be an economic issue for growers of certain crops.

Today, I will give some basic background informatio­n on this insect pest and control tips. I will be sharing informatio­n from a co worker, Paul Pugliese from Bartow County, data from a UGA pamphlet on this insect plus informatio­n found on the UGA Media Newswire.

You may say stink bugs are nothing new. We always have stink bugs in our area. This is true, but this is a newer species. I remember as a young boy helping my parents pick blackberri­es on the family farm in the 1970s. I was eating more berries than were going into my bucket. Finally, I received a big surprise when that last berry had a stink bug wanting the berry also. Both the berry and the stink bug went in my mouth. I don’t think I consumed anymore blackberri­es on that trip. In fact, that scenario may be why blackberri­es are not on my list of favorites even today. Again, these stink bugs are a different species.

In Georgia, they are establishe­d in north and central Georgia. The first documented report of the brown marmorated stink bug was in Lehigh County, Pennsylvan­ia in 2001, but claims are they had been observed in the area by homeowners since 1996. These stink bugs are native to Asia. The population we have seems to be more closely related to the stink bugs found in China. The general idea is this species came to the United States in freight containers. At the time of our pamphlet printing, the brown marmorated stink bug has been seen in 42 states and 2 Canadian provinces mainly due to their ability to hitchhike in vehicles and commerce. To top it off, there are few natural predators of this stink bug.

Keep in mind to not consider every stink bug as the brown marmorated sting bug. The brown marmorated stink bug that can be nuisance or damaging will have a stripped- antennae, smooth shoulders and a small mouthpart. The beneficial predator sting bug can have a solid antennae, spines or indentatio­ns on the shoulders and a stouter mouthpart. The beneficial predator sting bugs will eat harmful insect pests.

Again, proper identifica­tion can be important in many situations because there are several different stink bugs in the area. What can a homeowner do? I will remind you that this stink bug can cause crop damage to small fruits, vegetable crops, flower stems, soybeans, field and sweet corn and cotton to name a few. Today, we will just center on what homeowners can do to reduce nuisance issues on the property. If the brown marmorated stink bug is calling your house, storage building or even vehicle home, a vacuum cleaner may be the best way to remove. A shop vacuum is recommende­d since stink bug odors can absorb into convention­al vacuum cleaners. I will add that stink bugs can be easily eliminated when dumped into a bucket of soapy water.

I don’t want to scare you, but our informatio­n states that in some reports, over 25,000 stink bugs have been found in a single home. I have never heard of that level of infestatio­n in our area. Locally, again this particular insect has been a nuisance, but not to that extreme level just mentioned. Exclusion of this pest from the home in the first place is the best method. When cool weather arrives, these stink bugs seem to congregate on the south and west facing sides of homes that receive warm sunshine.

Stink bugs will also enter a dwelling at any place they can find an opening. The goal can be to weather-proof your home. By weather-proofing, you not only keep the insects out, but you can have energy cost savings. Caulk can be your best friend by using the proper silicone or silicone-latex caulk to fix cracks around windows, doors, siding, utility pipes, behind chimneys and underneath wood fascia for example.

Read the label of any product or check with a sales associate to make sure you are using the correct product. You need to fix any damaged screens on doors, windows and attic vents. Weather stripping can be beneficial and also use of door sweeps can help. Again, the goal is to keep this stink bug on the outside. If your time is limited in doing this work, you may want to start on the south or west facing sides of the home or building since this is where they seem to congregate in the fall of the year.

Once cold weather arrives, their activity is reduced. Just keep in mind, if you had issues in the fall with home entry, you will see them trying to exit the home when the warm spring weather arrives. The goal of many insects are to find a nice warm place to spend the winter while your goal is to keep them on the outside.

 ?? ?? Bowman

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