Calhoun Times

Significan­t days during Holy Week


Each year in early spring, Christians across the globe celebrate their faith on Easter. Easter commemorat­es the resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ, an event which is described in the New Testament.

Mass on Easter Sunday annually attracts millions of the faithful. However, many days during the week preceding Easter Sunday, often referred to as Holy Week, also bear significan­ce to faithful Christians.


Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and commemorat­es the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Upon entering the city, Jesus was greeted by crowds waving palm branches. That is why Christians receive palm branches or palm crosses during Palm Sunday Mass.


Holy Wednesday draws attention to the abandonmen­t of Jesus by his disciples. Holy Wednesday services may feature Tenebrae, a religious service characteri­zed by the extinguish­ing of candles. That portion of the service is meant to symbolize darkness, which is what “Tenebrae” means in Latin.


The Last Supper is commemorat­ed on Maundy Thursday, which also commemorat­es the Washing of the Feet (Maundy). The Last Supper was Jesus’s final meal with his apostles before his crucifixio­n. According to Christian scripture, Jesus predicted one of the apostles present at the meal would betray him. This also was when Jesus foretold that Peter will deny knowing him three times before the next morning. According to Trinity College, Maundy Thursday reminds Christians to love others as Jesus loves them.


Good Friday commemorat­es the trial of Jesus and his resulting death sentence, torture, crucifixio­n, and burial. It’s hard to characteri­ze any of those things as “good,” which can cause a little confusion among Christians and nonChristi­ans alike. However, Trinity College indicates that, in this context, “good” connotes something holy or pious.


Holy Saturday concludes Holy Week. Even though many faithful Christians awake early and don their Sunday best on Easter morning, Holy Saturday celebratio­ns are not muted. On Holy Saturday, Christians may attend a late-night Easter Vigil service that includes a liturgy and the celebratio­n of the Eucharist. The two-part celebratio­n commemorat­es the Eucharist as symbolic of the emergence from darkness into the light.

Holy Week is a time for faithful Christians to celebrate their faith in advance of Easter Sunday.

 ?? Special ?? Many days during the week preceding Easter Sunday, often referred to as Holy Week, bear significan­ce to faithful Christians.
Special Many days during the week preceding Easter Sunday, often referred to as Holy Week, bear significan­ce to faithful Christians.

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