Call & Times

Trump wins South Carolina; Clinton takes Nevada


COLUMBIA, S.C. — Donald Trump claimed a big victory in South Carolina’s Republican primary Saturday, deepening his hold on the GOP presidenti­al field as the contest moved into the South. Out West, Hillary Clinton pulled out a crucial win in Nevada’s Democratic caucuses.

The victories put Clinton and Trump in strong positions as the 2016 presidenti­al election barreled toward the March 1 Super Tuesday contests, a delegate-rich voting bonanza.

Clinton’s roughly 5-point win eased the rising anxieties of her backers, who feared a growing challenge from Bernie Sanders.

Trump’s showing in South Carolina marked his second straight victory in the Republican primaries and strengthen­ed his unexpected claim on the GOP nomination.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, a pair of freshman senators, were locked in a race for second place in South Carolina. Jeb Bush and other candidates lagged far behind.

For both parties, the 2016 election has laid bare voters’ anger with the political establishm­ent. The public mood has upended the usual political order, giving Sanders and Trump openings while leaving more traditiona­l candidates scrambling to find their footing.

Trump’s victory comes after a week in which he threatened to sue one rival, accused former President George W. Bush of lying about the Iraq war and even tussled with Pope Francis on immigratio­n.

For Cruz, even a second-place finish in South Carolina would be something of a disappoint­ment. The state was his first test of whether his expensive, sophistica­ted get-outthe-vote operation could overtake Trump in a Southern state.

Florida’s Rubio is positioned as the more mainstream alternativ­e to Trump, who many GOP leaders believe are unelectabl­e in November. Rubio scored the endorsemen­ts of several prominent South Carolina politician­s, including Gov. Nikki Haley.

South Carolina looked to be a bitter disappoint­ment for Bush, who campaigned alongside members of his family.

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