Call & Times

The five types of Republican voters

- Megan McArdle McArdle is a Bloomberg View columnist.

In Washington on Sunday night, the popcorn was popped, the pitchers of election-themed cocktails given a final stir. And then a hush fell over the city as the streets emptied and the profession­al political class gathered huddled around screens to watch the presidenti­al debate and find out whether Donald Trump would somehow rescue his improbable campaign or pound the final nails into its coffin after a brutal weekend of scandalous recordings and cascading Republican disendorse­ments.

The consensus going in was that Trump would selfdestru­ct. But he had two saviors: moderators prevented him from rambling and harming himself as much as he otherwise probably would have, and the questions about his appalling remarks came early in the debate. Psychologi­cal research suggests that people tend to disproport­ionately judge events by how they ended.

The consensus in Washington was that Trump had “stopped the bleeding.” But 12 hours later the hemorrhagi­ng seemed to have restarted. NBC and the Wall Street Journal released the results of a poll taken before the debate, but after the release of the bombshell tape that had sent Trump’s campaign into its weekend death spiral. In a four-way race, it showed Clinton at 46 and Trump at 35, a five-point drop from the previous poll. If you just looked at Clinton and Trump together, she was leading by 14.

The question now is whether the defections restart. If Trump’s debate achievemen­t was to arrest his slide at 35 percent, then it makes sense for Republican­s to start jumping into the lifeboats.

Here’s the basic calculatio­n that Republican­s seeking reelection now face: unendorse Trump and see his base stay home, or endorse and lose swing voters appalled by his remarks.

At this juncture I think of Republican voters as falling into five broad categories, each with a different propensity for retaliatio­n against Republican candidates who oppose Trump: 1. Die-hard Trump sup

porters: These people wanted Trump, and only Trump, in the primaries. They hate the establishm­ent. They viewed Trump as a weapon against the establishm­ent, and will support sitting politician­s only to the extent that those folks go along with Trump.

Propensity for retaliatio­n: Absolute. Incumbents who oppose Trump can expect these voters to refuse to vote for them, or even to vote for their opponent. 2. Trump primary voters: These folks voted for Trump in the primary but are not engaged in an all-out war on the establishm­ent of their party. They liked the fact that he’s an outsider. They admire his business acumen. They would rather listen to his unpolished style than the boring, focus-grouped talking points of a normal politician. Propensity for retaliatio­n: Medium-high. These people would have voted for another Republican, but they prefer Trump, and they will view an unendorsem­ent as an attempt by leadership to thwart the will of the voters. However, some unknown number of these voters will have been offended by the tape, and will probably not retaliate against Trump defectors. 3. Party loyalists: These folks probably voted for someone else in the primary, but do not feel the same horrified revulsion against him that #NeverTrump voters do. They will pull the lever for anyone with an (R) after their name. Their biggest concern is maximizing the party’s power. Propensity for retaliatio­n: Mediumlow. They also don’t like the idea of the party ignoring the voters. On the other hand, they are horrified by the idea of giving a Senate or House seat to a Democrat. The incumbents’ biggest risk with these people is that they get demoralize­d and stay home. 4. Squishy Republican­s: These folks usually vote Republican but may not be registered as a Republican and occasional­ly drift over to the other side of the ballot. They are not particular­ly interested in an attempt to remake the party into a more nationalis­t, populist entity, and are not going to participat­e in the Trumpista revolt. They will also find it psychologi­cally easier to support Clinton than the aforementi­oned groups if they are horrified by the tape. Propensity for retaliatio­n: Low. They might stay home. They might vote for Clinton. But they are probably not going to get involved in strategica­lly placing their congressio­nal votes in order to serve some grand vision of the party’s future. 5. #NeverTrump: Uncertain in number, but high in passion, these people will vote Johnson or McMullin or write in their Aunt Agnes before they will ever pull the lever for Trump. They tend to be loyal Republican­s, but some of them have cancelled their registrati­ons over Trump. Propensity for retaliatio­n: None. They may phone bank for you if you call on Trump to step aside.

The problem is, no one knows exactly how big any of these groups is. Republican politician­s essentiall­y have to make a blind bet: Do I lose more swing voters by sticking with Trump, or more base voters by defecting from him?

If the results of the NBC/WSJ poll hold, they suggest that Trump has not only lost all swing voters, but is now cutting into the Republican base — and not just #NeverTrump­ers, because he’d already lost them. The next question is: Does swing voters’ animus toward Trump also affect their vote for Republican­s in general?

There’s no way to know yet, but my guess would be that at least some downticket Republican­s will lose if they stand with Trump. What’s on the tape is not spinnable, especially given prior accusation­s that he’s actually done things similar to what he talked about on tape.

By now there may be no way to win; no matter what they do, down-ticket Republican­s may lose too many voters to win their election. But not every loss is created equal: Even the doomed can decide to die with honor.

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