Call & Times

Questions for the RI congressio­nal delegation


To the Editor,

Since no one will ask serious questions of the RI Congressio­nal delegation, I will, in this open letter to Senators Reed, Whitehouse, and Congressme­n Cicilline and Langevin.

What gives the US the right to decide who should rule, or not rule, the nation of Syria? Hint: Nothing. What legal right does the US have to bomb Syria? Hint: None. Russia was invited to help in fighting ISIS by the government of Syria, the US was not.

If Assad is the Devil incarnate, as preached by mainstream media, what does the RI Congressio­nal delegation have to say about the following polls:

• A British poll, done by ORB Internatio­nal, which found that 82 percent of Syrians blame the U.S. for ISIS.

• In early 2012, a poll showed 55 percent of Syrians wanted their president to stay.

• An internal NATO study (dated June 2013), shows 70 percent of Syrians support President Bashar al-Assad

• In 2014, Assad won a landslide victory (88 percent) in the country’s first multiparty presidenti­al election.

• A poll in July 2015, showed 47 percent of Syrians thought Assad had a positive influence on matters in Syria.

• Only 9 percent of the US public has any confidence in our own US Congress, and both Clinton and Trump are much more distrusted by the US public, than Assad is by Syrians.

If the neocon war party’s effort to overthrow Assad is successful, then what?

Does Syria become another Iraq or Libya, another land of anarchy?

Is it coincident­al that anarchy follows US interferen­ce?

And finally, why not let the Syrian people decide who should rule Syria? Joseph Clifford Jamestown

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