Call & Times

Never-Trumpers acting as saboteurs of foreign policy

- Pat Buchanan Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority.”

The never-Trumpers are never going to surrender the myth that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee to defeat Clinton and elect Donald Trump.

Their investment in the myth is just too huge.

For Clinton and her campaign, it is the only way to explain how they booted away a presidenti­al election even Trump thought he had lost in November. To the mainstream media, this is the smoking gun in their Acela Corridor conspiracy to delegitimi­ze Trump’s presidency.

Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sees Russian hacking as a way to put a cloud over the administra­tion before it begins. But it is the uber-hawks hereabouts who are after the really big game.

They seek to demonize Putin as the saboteur of democracy — someone who corrupted an American presidenti­al election to bring about victory for a “useful idiot” whom Clinton called Putin’s “puppet.”

If the War Party can convert this “fake story” into the real story of 2016, then they can scuttle any Trump effort to attain the rapprochem­ent with Russia that Trump promised to try to achieve.

If they can stigmatize Trump as “Putin’s president” and Putin as America’s implacable enemy, then the Russophobe­s are back in business.

Nor is the War Party disguising its goal.

Over the weekend, Sen. John McCain called for a congressio­nal select committee to investigat­e Russian hacking into the Clinton campaign. The purpose of the investigat­ions, said Sen. Lindsey Graham, “is to put on President Trump’s desk crippling sanctions against Russia.”

“They need to pay a price,” Graham chortled on Twitter.

“Crippling sanctions” would abort any modus vivendi, any deal with Russia, before Trump could negotiate one. Trump would have to refuse to impose them — and face the firestorm to follow. The War Party is out to dynamite any detente with Russia before it begins.

Among the reasons Trump won is that he promised to end U.S. involvemen­t in the costly, bloody and interminab­le wars in the Middle East the Bushites and President Barack Obama brought us — and the neocons relish — and to reach a new understand­ing with Russia and Putin.

But to some in Washington, beating up on Russia is a conditione­d reflex dating to the Cold War. For others in the media and the front groups called think tanks, Russophobi­a is in their DNA.

Though Julian Assange says WikiLeaks did not get the emails from Russia, this has to be investigat­ed. Did Russia hack the DNC’s email system and John Podesta’s email account? Did Putin direct that the emails be provided to WikiLeaks to disrupt democracy or defeat Clinton?

Clinton says Putin has had it in for her because he believes she was behind the anti-Putin demonstrat­ions in Moscow in 2011.

But if there is to be an investigat­ion of clandestin­e interferen­ce in the politics and elections of foreign nations, let’s get it all out onto the table.

The CIA director and his deputies should be made to testify under oath, not only as to what they know about Russia’s role in the WikiLeaks email dumps but also about who inside the agency is behind the leaks to The Washington Post designed to put a cloud over the Trump presidency before it begins.

Agents and operatives of the CIA should be subjected to lie detector tests to learn who is leaking to the anti-Trump press.

Before any congressio­nal investigat­ion, President-elect Trump should call in his new director of the CIA, Rep. Mike Pompeo, and tell him to run down and remove, for criminal misconduct, any CIA agents or operatives leaking secrets to discredit his election.

Putin, after all, is not an American. The CIA saboteurs of the Trump presidency are. Will the media investigat­e the leakers? Not likely, for they are the beneficiar­ies of the leaks and co-conspirato­rs of the leakers.

The top officials of the CIA and Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy, should be called to testify under oath. Were they behind anti- Putin demonstrat­ions during the Russian elections of 2011?

Did the CIA or NED have a role in the “color-coded” revolution­s to dump over pro-Russian government­s in Moscow’s “near abroad”?

If Russia did intrude in our election, was it payback for our intrusions to bring about regime change in its neighborho­od?

What role did the CIA, the NED and John McCain play in the overthrow of the democratic­ally elected government of Ukraine in 2014? McCain was seen cheering on the crowds in Independen­ce Square in Kiev.

Trump has promised a more hopeful foreign policy than that of the Republican­s he denounced and is succeeding. No more wars where vital interests are not imperiled. No more U.S. troops arriving as first responders for freeloadin­g allies.

The real saboteurs of his new foreign policy may not be inside the Ring Road in Moscow; rather, they may be inside the Beltway around D.C.

The real danger may be that a new Trump foreign policy could be hijacked or scuttled by anti- Trump Republican­s, not only on Capitol Hill but inside the executive branch itself.

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