Call & Times

Religious right ready to crusade on wiretaps

- By SARAH POSNER Special To The Washington Post Sarah Posner is a reporter and the author of "God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters."

President Donald Trump's escalation of his inflammato­ry claims that Obama loyalists are out to get him, culminatin­g in his unfounded weekend tweet-storm that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him, has brought his Breitbart-fueled siege mentality to a new level of conspiracy-mongering.

A host of fact-checks and explainers have poked holes in Trump's claims, pointing out that they lack any evidence or substantia­tion. But even as the mainstream media has attempted to re-attach the public to reality, another group of people is already showing signs that it may rise to his defense: the religious right.

In so doing, the religious right — a core Trump constituen­cy — is revealing something interestin­g about the bond that these millions of Americans have formed with Trump. His religiousr­ight defenders see themselves as warriors in an epic battle for Christian America, not unlike the one underlying the agenda envisioned by top Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon — and as Trump hunkers down, they are invested in the narrative that Trump's critics are satanic enemies bent on destroying him.

White evangelica­ls are Trump's most ardent supporters. A January Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 66 percent of white evangelica­ls had a favorable view of Trump, the only religious constituen­cy boasting a majority with a positive impression of him. White evangelica­ls also continue to be Obama's most predictabl­e opponents; while that poll found that at least 50 percent of other religious demographi­cs had a favorable view of Obama, only 31 percent of white evangelica­ls did.

Now religious-right figures are rising to Trump's defense in the battle over whether Obama tapped his phones. For instance, Charisma magazine, a leading source for charismati­c and Pentecosta­l writings, is credulousl­y citing Breitbart as proof of the need for a congressio­nal investigat­ion of Trump's claim that Obama ordered the wiretap. Charisma has long been a cheerleade­r for Trump; during the campaign, it promoted widely disseminat­ed comparison­s of Trump to the Persian King Cyrus, referred to in the Book of Isaiah as God's "anointed" one.

Meanwhile, the Christian Broadcasti­ng Network, which has long provided Trump favorable coverage, has also lent support to Trump's claim about Obama. It favorably cited Trump's comparison of Obama's supposed wiretappin­g to Watergate and McCarthyis­m, and quoted Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the religious-right legal group American Center for Law and Justice, saying that it was "very possible" that there were wiretaps in Trump Tower.

The larger context here is that the religious right is girding for a much longer fight alongside Trump. His signing of his new travel ban Monday will signal to the religious right that he remains a strong defender of their Christian nation. A Pew poll in February found that 76 percent of white evangelica­ls supported his original executive order, and a Public Religion Research Institute poll found that white evangelica­ls are the only constituen­cy whose support for a Muslim ban has grown since last year.

The policy-focused segment of the religious right — the Beltway players who cheered Trump's early actions, including most recently the Education Department's withdrawal of Obama-era guidance protecting the rights of transgende­r students in public schools — regularly praise the president in the hopes that he will grant their wishes for nomination­s and appointmen­ts, and will eventually sign a broad executive order creating unpreceden­ted religious exemptions for opponents of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r equality and reproducti­ve rights.

Meanwhile, the religious right's punditry are steeling themselves — and the movement's loyal foot soldiers — for an epic good vs. evil battle in defense of Trump, one that could last years.

The popular evangelist Lou Engle claims that there has been "an unpreceden­ted global summons of witchcraft to curse President Trump, his Cabinet and all of those aligned with a biblical worldview." As a result, he writes in a post urging his followers to fast this week to commemorat­e the Jewish holiday of Purim, "only the church has the answer to this unpreceden­ted manifestat­ion of witchcraft."

In a sense, what we're seeing is a developing alliance of sorts between Breitbart and the religious right. Some of the religious right's rhetoric about the Trump era has echoes in the worldview of Bannon, Trump's chief strategist and the mastermind of the Breitbart style.

Bannon, for instance, has warned that jihadism has a lust for a "a global existentia­l war" that, he has said, may bring about "a major shooting war in the Middle East."

Meanwhile, some leading religiousr­ight pundits appear ready to defend what they see as a Christian America, led by Trump, that is under attack by enemies, which include the left, the socalled "deep state," Obama, a Muslim fifth column, and what they portray as immigrant and refugee criminal elements. As incendiary radio host Bryan Fischer put it, the country has entered "a period of spiritual warfare as a nation the likes of which we have not seen since World War II, when Winston Churchill correctly observed that our battle against the occult-obsessed Nazis was a battle for 'the survival of Christian civilizati­on.'"

So Trump may be the benefiting from a union of sorts between the conspiracy-minded Breitbart and charismati­c and evangelica­l Christians who believe they are engaged in a spiritual war to defend Trump. This fuses two Trump allies in a shared belief in a civilizati­onal showdown. With the White House giving all indication­s that it will stand by the notion that Obama wiretapped Trump's phones, it would not be surprising if more religious-right figures rallied behind the claim, leading millions of evangelica­l Christian voters to believe it.

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