Call & Times

Flynn nixes subpoena in Russia investigat­ion

Democrat claims lies on security check


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incriminat­ion in rebuffing a subpoena Monday in the investigat­ion into Russia's election meddling. Then a top House Democrat cited new evidence he said appeared to show Flynn lied on a security clearance background check.

With Trump himself in the Mideast on his first foreign trip as president, investigat­ions into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 campaign — and allegation­s of Trump campaign collaborat­ion — showed no sign of slackening in Washington. Flynn's own defensive crouch revealed the high legal stakes he faces as investigat­ions intensify: a U.S. counterint­elligence probe of Russia, a federal investigat­ion in Virginia and multiple congressio­nal inquiries.

As well, The Washington Post reported Monday that Trump asked two top intelligen­ce chiefs in March to deny publicly that there had been collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

Citing current and former officials, the Post said the national intelligen­ce director, Daniel Coats, and the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, both refused Trump's request, judging it inappropri­ate. Coats could face questions on the report Tuesday when he is scheduled to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Flynn's attorneys told the Senate intelligen­ce committee on Monday that he will not turn over personal documents sought under the congressio­nal subpoena, citing an "escalating public frenzy" against him. They also said the Justice Department's appointmen­t of a special counsel has created a legally dangerous environmen­t for him to cooperate with the Senate panel's investigat­ion.

Hours later, Rep. Elijah Cummings, senior Democrat on the House oversight committee, said government documents he's reviewed showed inconsiste­ncies in Flynn's disclosure­s to U.S. investigat­ors in early 2016 during his security clearance review.

Cummings said Flynn appeared to have misled authoritie­s about the source of a $33,000 payment from Russia's state-sponsored television network, failed to identify foreign officials with whom he met — including Russia's President Vladimir Putin — and glossed over his firing as chief of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency during the Obama administra­tion. Cummings made his points in a letter asking the committee's chairman, Jason Chaffetz of Utah, to subpoena the White House for documents related to Flynn.

It's unclear from Cummings' letter whether Flynn would face legal jeopardy for his answers to security clearance investigat­ors. But in an April statement Cummings warned that falsifying or concealing material facts on security clearance reviews are federal crimes and conviction­s could lead to fines and up to five years’ imprisonme­nt.

Flynn attorney, Robert Kelner, declined to comment on Cummings' assertions.

Trump appointed Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and top military intelligen­ce chief, as his top national security aide in January, only to fire him less than a month later.

The White House has said that Flynn had misled top U.S. officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, about his contacts with Russian officials, including Russia's ambassador to the U.S.

Cummings and other Democrats have blasted Trump and his team for failing to more carefully check Flynn's background before they brought him to the White House, while the Trump administra­tion has attempted to blame the Obama administra­tion for failing to properly vet Flynn earlier. Cummings said Monday that Flynn provided inconsiste­nt or misleading statements to U.S. security clearance investigat­ors in early 2016 during the renewal of his credential­s.

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