Call & Times


July 21



Den Engler and Art Bouchard stroked key overtime hits as Galvin Paint bested Jacqueline’s 10-5 in a 13inning contest to enter the winner’s bracket in the Pawtucket Open Softball League double eliminatio­n playoffs. The victors sent the game into extra innings on hits by John Vierra, Engler, Jack Hodgdon and Bouchard. Frank Dubreuil and Wes Briggs collected four hits each for the losers.


Steve Olivo’s dramatic RBI double in the bottom of the eighth inning scored Jim Couchon with the winning run as the Blue Bonnet Café nipped Gizzarelli Plumbing 3-2 in a Pawtucket Community Softball League tilt. Kevin Curry led the winners with three hits and Couchon had a pair, while Rick Courtemanc­he belted a solo homer for the losers. In other league action, Alan Menard’s single and Butch Bates’ triple plated two runs in the last of the sixth inning as Fred’s rallied to beat Chelo’s 5-3.


Steve Yankee, Rick Courtemanc­he and Al Aldridge all swatted home runs in leading Frank Thomas Agency to a 19-7 romp over GTE in a Pawtucket Community/Industrial Softball League game. Courtemanc­he and Aldridge each drove in four runs followed by Yankee and Paul Murphy with three each and Alan Crowe with two for the winners. Tony Marques stroked three hits and Rich Erti and Jack Sena chipped in with two hits apiece for GTE.

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