Call & Times

Liberals want Republican­s not to be Republican­s

- Ramesh Ponnuru

President Donald Trump's critics view Republican congressme­n as his enablers. James Fallows, in the Atlantic, describes their behavior as the most discouragi­ng weakness our governing system has shown since Trump took office. He singles out Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse for scorn because "he leads all senators in his thoughtful, scholarly 'concern' about the norms Donald Trump is breaking -- and then lines up and votes with Trump 95 percent of the time."

Another journalist, Ron Brownstein, has written similarly. When various Republican senators objected to Trump's attacks on MSNBC co-host Mika Brzezinski's appearance, Brownstein asked what they intended to do about it. Other Trump foes echoed this critique: The Republican­s' stern words were empty.

Most of this criticism is unreasonab­le.

It fails, for one thing, to account for what the Republican­s have done. That includes "mere" criticism, since words matter in politics. Some of those words -- such as "we need to look to an independen­t commission or special prosecutor" (Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski) or "our intelligen­ce committee needs to interview" Donald Trump Jr. (Maine Sen. Susan Collins) -- can have a fairly direct effect on what happens in Washington.

But it's not just words. The Republican Congress held hearings about President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey. Most Republican­s have supported sanctions on Russia the president opposes.

For the Republican­s' critics, these steps were the least they could do. But they weren't. The Republican­s could have, for example, not held hearings.

It's unusual for senators to hold hearings into possible misconduct by 1) a president of their party 2) who is still fairly new in office and 3) supported by the vast majority of their voters. Perhaps the Republican­s should have taken even more extraordin­ary action. But they're falling pitifully short only if the baseline expectatio­n is that they do whatever liberal journalist­s think it's their duty to do.

And some things liberal journalist­s think it's the Republican­s' duty to do make no sense. Take that 95 percent figure mentioned by Fallows. Was South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham really supposed to vote to keep regulation­s he considered unwise on the books because he opposes Vladimir Putin? Was Arizona Sen. John McCain really supposed to vote against confirming Alex Acosta as Labor secretary because the president tweets like a maladjuste­d 12year-old?

When you complain about how often the senators vote with the president, that's what you're saying. Perhaps this is why the complaint is usually made by liberals, who would not want senators to be voting with President Marco Rubio or President John Kasich either.

Besides voting left, what would the Republican­s' critics have them do? Impeach the president? Not even Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, supports that.

"As evidence piles up pointing to the possibilit­y that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, Republican lawmakers have largely ignored Democrats' calls for urgent action and continued about their day jobs," writes McKay Coppins. The urgent actions he mentions: holding more press conference­s about investigat­ions into Trump; voting with Democrats on some anti-Trump resolution­s they devised last week; and "issuing subpoenas more aggressive­ly."

Maybe Republican­s should subpoena some people they have not, although some specificit­y on who should get these subpoenas would be reassuring. I suspect that if the Republican­s did issue more of them, the goalposts would just shift. The subpoenas, like the Comey hearings, would turn out not to count as "urgent action."

None of this means that Republican­s are doing all they can and should do to address the concerns that Trump's presidency raises. Congressme­n should, for example, be looking for ways to compel presidents to disclose their tax records, such disclosure being a useful norm that Trump has flouted.

But making a focused and reasonable demand and then building support for it is different from expecting congressio­nal Republican­s to sound like the opposition party.

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